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Got these two in the mail yesterday. 🥳


May 25, 2021
WOW, that was quite the day! I just received word that my AEON's have shipped so looking forward to receiving them. I own the LCD-2 already and love them.
May 27, 2021
That made me laugh outloud. I knew someone that had not one, but two autistic kids; a girl and a boy, both under 5. They were super impatient and also tested the dad's patience. Telling them "no" was like begging them to do it.😆 EDIT: You're welcome.
May 29, 2021
raansire7Well, I just got them and am having my first listen. First off, they are so pretty looking! And they are so light in the hands. Just beautiful. They came with the single notch white pads in the cups but I have removed them for the time being just to get to know them a bit. They are a bit boomy, muddy in the bass but maybe that will smooth itself out? Female vocals are excellent. They are SO comfortable on my fat head! I'm curious, the clam shell case I got does NOT say MrSpeakers, it says Dan Clark Audio. Any reason to believe that I have received the newest tuning? I have to say that this stock cable isn't a poor quality cable by any means. I got a cable made by Periapt this morning which I can use for a couple of different headphones as well and it's nice, maybe about as nice as the included cable for the AEON. I have to say they immediately fell in love with my fingerprints!
May 15, 2021
which did you like more
May 15, 2021
CrippledSince I don't consistently reason that way in terms of liking something more in total, absolute terms, I have no idea how to easily answer that question, bro. I'll try to be detailed in my explanation. The LCD-X sound astonishingly clear and real, like nothing I've ever heard before, and while remaining smooth to the ears, but the Aeon Open X just have a way of presenting musicality that is hard to put into words and is impossible to measure with electronic instruments. If you were to ask me which one sounds better in technicality terms, which one sounds as if the music was in the same room as me and reveals a new category of aural perception that none of my other headphones ever showed me, I'd say the LCD-X. That makes them exciting to me and even a bit intimidating in a good way. I don't use them that much because I don't want to get used to them. When I heard them the first time, about four hours after I received the Aeon Open X, I instantly knew they were performing at a way higher level. They raised the bar with their clarity and truthfulness. Sounds sound like real sounds, not like recordings of sounds. It was so obvious. No need to listen carefully. NOW, if you were to ask me which one sounds better in musicality terms, which one allows the emotion and intention of the performers to filter through and touches my heart to the point of making me feel things, I'd say the Aeon Open X. I get more enjoyment and engagement. I listened to them for hours waiting for the mail man to arrive with the LCD-X, just feeling bliss, because they were triggering things inside of me my other headphones never triggered before. I wasn't even paying attention. It just happened. I felt a bit sad that I was missing out on that. When I finally got the Audeze at night, I listened to them for like an hour or so, and while blown away, because they sounded startlingly real, I started missing the Aeon Open X, and put them on again. The LCD-X sound much better, and they should for over twice the price they cost, but that's in comparison. If I could quantify it, I'd say they do sound twice as good. By themselves, though, the Aeon Open X already have impressive sound quality, enough to not need to be on the same tier as the LCD-X, and they even have a way of allowing me to hear the end of sounds in a way that the LCD-X lack even if they are more revealing. That quality is part of what makes music touch my emotions more on the Aeon Open X, because sounds and notes only linger as much as they need. I can hear them until they become silence, and that silence is obvious. It happens in fractions of seconds, but it's what makes them sound special to me. It's what I noticed instantly the first time I heard them. I can hear all of the music with them; everything at the same time as it happens. I get excited both for the sound quality of headphones, and also for what they make me feel. The Aeon Open X make me feel the most out of all the headphones I own and have ever owned. They're power-hungry, so in my experience they need lots of current in order to sound special like that! If not, they sound really dry and dead.
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