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Aug 18, 2018
Ya I have the Pro S and its a million times better. Full size keyboards are useless, stop saying but I might need the number pad for that one thing. YOU WON'T get a tenkeyless or how Cooler Master calls it Pro S Mech keyboard.
You will love the size and be so happy to actually be able to type straight in front of your computer for a change. Ohh and you get more room for mouse movements while gaming. So glad I got a tenkeyless never getting a full size ever again.
Hope more do the same its so worth it.
Aug 18, 2018
Aug 18, 2018
TheRealistYou must not do work if you think a full size is useless...
Aug 18, 2018
Aug 18, 2018
TheRealistI much prefer a TKL or even smaller but saying a full size is useless and you won't need a numpad is complete BS. This sounds like a dumb comment to try and start a stupid TKL vs full size war. I prefer TKL or smaller for the form factor and I have a numpad on the side as I do use it ALOT.
But for some people a full size works better, Fullsize can be very useful for lots of people, unless you're a 14-year-old who only plays games. But I'm guessing your forgetting that keyboards have more uses than just for gaming.
Aug 18, 2018
Nov 22, 2018
TheRealistI have a small desk at home and when I play games I use my TKL cherry MX red keyboard, but when I have to do some work at home I start to miss my cheap chiclet full keyboard at work. If you aren't a kid or unemployed, you wouldn't say such a stupid thing as "you won't need a number pad."
Nov 22, 2018
Nov 22, 2018
SnootYou realize you adapt right? After only the first month I was already fluent in simply reaching up to hit the numbers above the keyboard. Sorry but full boards are archaic there for those who can't adapt and need a seperate space to type in simple numbers. Just cause u can't adapt to numbers above doesn't mean your right. Those who can't adapt are the ones in the wrong. Thats how history judges you and thats how I will judge you.
Nov 22, 2018
Nov 22, 2018
SirYanakoIf you force yourself u can easily adapt to the simple action of reaching up to hit the number you need. Thats what I've learned to do and the benefits u get from all that free space along with adaptations I've made to my work flow outweigh all the downsides that a clunky full size board brings. Ppl are different so this isn't the case for all ppl but if u are willing to adapt then you will be much better off. Its similar in nature to if you take the time to learn touch typing compared to if you don't. Same concept, if u are able to adapt than you will be much better off in the world and in your own personal life.
Nov 22, 2018
Nov 23, 2018
SirYanakoI completly agree a numpad is super important and just better than top row numbers. Anyone who trys to argue is just up there own a**. But i do think a TKL is just better, as you can just buy a numpad separate. But if your not gaming Full size is still the way to go.
Nov 23, 2018
Nov 23, 2018
LifelongCaboosenot entirely convinced on the numpad argument. I cannot think of that many reasons you would want to continuously be inputting numbers in to a PC, unless you work as an accountant or bank clerk. I use an Apple magic keyboard without numbers at the moment, and I dont miss them. I am looking for an RGB keyboard though. I think I prefer the smaller size and weight of the tenkeyless. One thing that occurred to me, is the numpad any better for gaming? I noticed there are some spaced out arrow keys on the numpad, are they easier to use on gaming?
Nov 23, 2018
Nov 23, 2018
rossb2Very rarly would i use the numpad in games. In gneeral its just better for anytime you need to input numbers. I didn't have one for along time and though i didn't care. that was tell i got a sperate numpad and omg its a god send.
Nov 23, 2018
Feb 10, 2019
TheRealistYou realize that some people have jobs, and they require them to type in items such as IP addresses which are much faster on the numpad. To neglect this not only shows your intellectual incompetence, but your complete ignorance on the subject. Maybe if you had a job you could afford a RollerMouse and would be able to center your keyboard instead of using an inferior pointing device.
Feb 10, 2019
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