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As soon as I get a moment of free time I'll pull a switch out and take some quick pics. Stand by.
Apr 5, 2016
AlexPkJust for science, would you be able to open up a switch and maybe make a side by side comparison with Cherry/Gateron. That would be incredible! Trying to imagine if stems/springs might be somehow interchangeable.
MakamiAlright, forgive subpar quality of pics for now. The short of it is that everything is interchangeable. The only differences are the EG switches have little stubby legs and they come with these little clear inserts that diffuse/channel the LED light up through the switch. You could replicate the legs by either chopping off the Cherry copper legs or just putting Cherry internals inside the EG switch. The LED holes are different, but that would be the only body change. Gateron and Cherry are interchangeable so I imagine it's the same, but I'll try to confirm later.
edit: Resulting frankenswitch in the last pic is Cherry blue internals with EG purple housing top and Cherry blue bottom
Pics incoming:



Apr 5, 2016
AlexPkthank you alex for clearing that up. I was mistaken. so they are interchangeable which is a good thing. also do we need to cut the cherry/gateron switches to get them to fit or do they go thru
AntonyFaragI might be understanding the question wrong, but I just snipped some of the copper leg off a standard Cherry switch and it went into the board just fine. Confirmed working after plopping it in. Took about 10 seconds to do.
Apr 5, 2016
AlexPkTy for your effort and answer Alex! I just wish the description pages of drops would be as outstanding and helpfull as the mk-team itself.
This makes this keyboard very interesting, if potential buyers have the will for some modding.
Keep up the good work.
Apr 5, 2016
AlexPkyea was asking if could use the cherry/gateron longer pins without modding anything
AntonyFaragJust gave it a shot and it was no go. Legs were too long.
Apr 6, 2016
AlexPkI said as much on Reddit... These are regular MX-type switches with snipped legs and a light pipe at the LED area.
Apr 6, 2016
AntonyFaragHave to snip. The holder on the EpicGear is spring loaded and the long legs don't fit.
Apr 6, 2016
AntonyFaragCould have told you that a month ago if you follow the Chinese comparo between this and the Team Wolf Zhuque with Google Translate, which I posted to /r/mechanicalkeyboards 27 days ago...\
Apr 6, 2016
AlexPkSo it's 'just the tip.' Is the only thing holding the switch in the contact clips or does the plate help?
MaNiFeXLook at you all cleaned up. And the plate definitely helps. Although @kschang might have more to say on that. I'll try to take a closer look later in case he doesn't pop in.
Apr 6, 2016
AlexPkYeah, I got a new job, I like to at least start clean even though it's in Silicon Valley (work out of Portland, OR). I head down there for business a lot to Milpitas... Any chance you guys do tours/visits?
MaNiFeXI'll send you an email, but let me know next time you're coming down :D
MakamiThanks! And I'll try to get the page updated with quality pics before too long :)
Apr 7, 2016
MaNiFeXThe switch clips onto the plate itself too. You need the "switch puller" to get them off. The contact clips at the bottom are just to hold the switch pins, from what I can see.
Apr 7, 2016
AlexPkThanks so much for this deconstruction it is SUPER helpful. I have 2 questions, first, when you created the frankenswitch, did it lose its LED diffuser? Is there anyway to make a cherry switch AND get the diffuser in there as well? Second question, Is there anyway you could use those plastic LED changers, and see if they fit well on the switch without it sticking? This keyboard would be fantastic if it had RGB, maybe that could be a fix? I bought some a long time ago, and I haven't been able to find a board that works well with them, this one might be the one. Thanks in advance! This looks like a very unique and interesting board
JoelGilpinSo if you use the Cherry switch then yes it loses the slot for the diffuser. If you really wanted you could swap the Cherry internals into the EG body and still use it no prob.
I think I have some of those LED covers in the office so I'll give it a shot and see how they work. I think they should be fine, but always worth testing.
@YanboWu and @EpicGear will definitely know more about possible RGB :)
Apr 7, 2016
AlexPkDudeeee, you rock. I look forward to your update on the covers
JoelGilpinPut some on a few switches with mixed success. It seems like they fit over the diffuser piece just fine, but it was noticeably rubbing on a few. It might have just been a specific color(no idea why that would be the case) or something, but it was a very limited test.
So I give it a 3/5. Definitely possible, but you might end up doing a bit of extra work sanding down the little covers to make it work perfectly.
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