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Jul 10, 2017
I am new to all this and curious! does this kit come with everything you need to build the keyboard - the solider, keycaps, and switches withstanding . Which I noticed you can add the keycaps and switches via the drop but this is something I am interested in. As I like to build a board and this one is perfect. I am guessing it comes with PCB, Controller, Etc.
Jul 10, 2017
HotRoderXIn general, a keyboard 'kit' in the mechanical keyboard world is the case, the PCB, the plate, and stabilizers (which sometimes aren't included). This is the barebones minimum that will require keyswitches, keycaps, and LEDs of your preference unless there are those noted to already be surface-mounted. Tooling necessary to put it together is entirely up to the user (soldering iron, solder, flux, screwdrivers, etc).
Jul 10, 2017
HotRoderXIt does not come with solder or soldering tools. Everything else is available though I believe
Jul 10, 2017
HotRoderXThanks so I wouldn't need a controller are anything of that nature PCB would take care of that I am assuming! Would the LED's be optional? LED's are kinda nice but not something I care to much about. I was looking for something kinda basic for my first build. The Stabilizers answers another question I was going to have. I figured I have to get those my self. Stabilizers something that are easy to find? any suggestions where I would find them? I just looked on but didn't see them! I would most likely go with Cherry Stabilizers as I find those the most user friendly and just preference. I am sorry for all the questions! Thanks ahead a time and for the answers so far
Jul 11, 2017
HotRoderXAnytime you hear of 'controllers' it's either a secondary bluetooth add-on, or it's a small board used for handwiring keyboards (typically customs or prototyping that doesn't use a standard format). All LEDs are optional unless they are pre-installed surface mount types. Though those are often for other lighting options (under lighting or side lighting) and are something you would be able to program to operate however you like. I had a site open at work, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. I'll take a look tomorrow to see if I can get the correct URL. I have seen a few sites selling genuine cherry stabs, although in all different prices. Zeal has them it appears: Edit: Was thinking of mehkee, but it appears they recently are out of stock:
Jul 15, 2017
HotRoderXThe PCB houses the controller. It's usually an Atmel AVR device (ATMega AT32u4 is quite popular for keyboards)
Jul 16, 2017
HotRoderXThanks to everyone who replied I am on the fence hopefully this drop happens often! As I love to pick this kit up but I also pledged for a White Fox. I am not 100% sure I have funds for both.
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