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Oct 12, 2019
This is cheaper elsewhere by about $50.
Oct 12, 2019
VatakleTalk is cheap—post a link.
Oct 12, 2019
RayFTake some effort and Google it yourself. That's even cheaper.
Oct 13, 2019
VatakleAs I suspected, just another new-be whiner. Links talk, bullshit walks.
Oct 13, 2019
RayFAs expected, a lazy, basement talker who can't be bothered to do its own research and effort. Be my guest. If you wanna buy it do it yourself else take a hike. Get off your mighty ego trip and understand that I don't give a horse shit about what you say. If you were dead serious about this deal you would have came up with better options.
Oct 13, 2019
VatakleLike I said, all mouth, but can't back it up ;- ) Congrats though on the endorsement--your mom?
Oct 13, 2019
RayFActually, yours while you were cooking up this comment with your hand, like I said, stop being lazy ass and do it yourself, I don't serve for your pleasure. Funny how having a higher post count or being longer here makes you all mighty. Look in the mirror and whip your skanky ass so you can get things done on your own.
Oct 13, 2019
VatakleYou seriously think I’m interested in a women’s watch? Not clear what your interest was, but you’re the one making the unsubstantiated claims about MD’s pricing vs...what? Your extensive research on the subject? That’s my interest here—ferreting out the facts vs the BS. Lotta little Johnny-come-lately twits like you say the same thing every drop, but very few know what the hell they’re talking about. When push comes to shove (and they do post a link), it often turns out they’re referencing different models or old prices. Other times they just keep running their mouths. Posting links to better prices is common here and helps other members (helped me on a Seiko Flightmaster once). So post ‘em if you’ve got ‘em, and piss up a rope if you don’t.
Oct 13, 2019
RayFDidn't care to read your whole reply as you lost me at first sentence. So stop being a whiny little bitch and get a life.
Oct 13, 2019
VatakleYou love reading my comments—I’m the only one paying any attention to you. Or at least, was paying attention to you. Now hand the phone back to your mom and get dressed for school!
Oct 13, 2019
RayFI didn't read this thread... I witnessed a murder
Oct 13, 2019
TwentySixAndJust defending the homeland!

Oct 13, 2019
RayFThanks for making my day. Some illusion people live under. As if only thing left in my world is to ask for your attention. Wish someone would tell you that it's Sunday in some part of world.
Oct 13, 2019
TwentySixAndI didn't read few post and RayF got all sentimental about love, attention and phone when it's all about a watch.
Oct 13, 2019
RayFAlso looks like you are used to love and attention on this community hiding behind the keyboard since you can't get it in real world. Leave the kb and spend time with someone..oh I take that back.. Who will. Duh!!
Oct 13, 2019
VatakleFor a kid who doesn't read my comments, you seem to have trouble staying away. You may have a bad case of RayF Delusionary Syndrome! Take two aspirins and don't call me in the morning.
Oct 14, 2019
RayFI think you need classes and glasses to read my comment. But since you seem to be living in your own blissful ignorant world let me educate a little since I have a little bit of free time. The one long dumb comment I didn't read explicitly mentioned that you lost me in first sentence. Others are short and sweet (/s) so I encouraged you. But I should have known about the popular saying being perfect for you. Don't fight with a pig....I really hope you know the rest. Reading about your comments everywhere else in this community seems this is a ritual for you so good luck and keep doing it. Again the saying of pig comes into mind. Thanks for confirming.
Oct 14, 2019
VatakleMy little buddy—you’re back again! You had me worried there for a a minute, but I suspected you’d be back—sort of a moth to a flame scenario I guess? Entertaining as our little chats have been, I’ve noticed you have difficulty staying on topic—even straying so far as to fantasize about close encounters with barnyard creatures?! I don’t want to sound too judgmental, but it occurs to me you may need help beyond my capabilities and certainly the time I have available to dedicate to them. Might I suggest instead, a little heart to heart with a trusted mental health professional (or a Veterinarian—your choice) where you might discuss some of your deeper...shall we say...issues in a more private environment? Wishing you all the best on your journey—adios!
Oct 14, 2019
VatakleFor what it is worth you fucking up the quote my man. So probably don't patronise people by saying 'I really hope you know the rest'... because you don't know the start.
VatakleNow THIS, is comedy gold. Thanks to both of you for this pointless discussion for our entertainment.
Oct 16, 2019
VatakleGot a link to that $50 off? I did some looking and couldn't find an identical watch for less. Hook me up dawg.
Oct 16, 2019
terapr0Don’t hold your breath, @Vatakle is all stink and no link ;- )
Oct 17, 2019
terapr0I almost missed your comment. Here you go. . Use HOT5 to get additional 5% off and hopefully no tax for you. Also CWS had it for some $400 when i checked 4 days back but seems its sold out. Hope it helps you. Still 4 hours to go before the drop closes so you can get in the order.
Oct 17, 2019
TwentySixAndI will try to be factually correct next time since i don't want to waste time justifying the start or end of it.
Oct 17, 2019
RayFInstead of trying to bring others down, if you had done some own research, you would have been able to help others with lower price. But too bad your low life only allows you to bring down others. Gave the link to him. If only you had asked nicely. sigh!
Oct 17, 2019
allard_van_der_kampI am glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed it at the start but quickly realized it can go only downhill faster than a rock. :)
Oct 17, 2019
VatakleI am not sure that you get to take the high ground when you started it
Oct 17, 2019
TwentySixAndI don't give a damn what you think.
Oct 17, 2019
VatakleJudging buy the length of this thread, I think you care a great deal what others think of you
Oct 17, 2019
VatakleA) It’s a girls watch and B) you’re a whack-job. To be candid, both points have dampened my enthusiasm for this conversation.