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DSA Season of the Witch

A keyset inspired by the intro sequence to the movie Halloween III: Season of the Witch. A haunting John Carpenter synth soundtrack. The fusion of technology and witchcraft.
Colors Alphas - OAS on BFR Modifiers - BFN on BFR Orange accents - BFR on OAS Blue accents - BFR on BFN
Take the kit design poll here:

DSA Season of the Witch was first presented in Massdrop's Community Keycap Set Design Contest, autumn 2017. I've continued working on it since then at a slow but steady pace and now it's time for the next step forward. A Massdrop poll is now open. As always, all feedback is welcome. Vote here:

Geekhack IC here:

Render by Oblotzky.
Update 2018-06-15 Hello. As I'm sure you've noticed, things have been slow going for the past few months. This has been due to family matters stacking up during the spring semester. I assure you I haven't dropped the project. Apologies for the silence. Some of you have asked about the project's status. Massdrop will be planning keysets for late 2018/early 2019 and the present aim is for DSA Season of the Witch to find its way into a slot during that timeframe. Is there a backup plan if this doesn't happen? Yes. But first things first. Let's have a shot at dropping this via Massdrop, shall we? :)
Update 2019-03-29 Apologies are in order. The long hiatus has been due to family matters taking up much more time than expected. Among them, the worst being the family trauma when my son fell severely ill, which nearly cost him his life. I'm so happy to be able to say that he's still with us today and doing well despite his injuries. I realize I should've made some kind of public notification about keyset development being halted and for this I apologize. I'd like to get back in the saddle with this and would like to do so by starting off with a poll to gather community feedback on kit design. I have worked on this with a glacial pace in the background, but feel like I'm at a point when some critical choices need to be made and I'd like your input to better visualize in which direction I should steer the keyset. Take the poll here. I'll keep it active for a month from today's date.
Update 2019-04-18 Major kit revision. Mono alphas with an optional kit for secondary numerics. Alphas, modifiers and secondary numerics support ISO UK. Consequently the NORDE kit has fewer keys. Ortho and 40s are one single kit. The Ergodox kit also supports the UniGo66. The second ALT key is replaced with ALT GR consistently throughout all kits. Vortex and Minila keyboards supported as a separate kit. Please note that the kit images are downloaded .png files from KLE and as such are meant first and foremost to illustrate the kit layouts rather than being correct renders of key profile and legend sizes. The aim is to add novelties in a couple of weeks. The kit layout poll will close 2019-04-29.
Update 2019-05-13 Everything is moving ahead. Proxies are ready for the EU (, the US (TKC) and Australia (Daily Clack). An Asian proxy is hopefully underway soon. I've gotten a first quote from Melissa at Signature Plastics. Work on novelties will hopefully start during this week. I closed the poll a few days later than planned because I forgot about it. I've gone through your responses and hope I have addressed most in kit rev. 2 already, but there'll be a few more tweaks down the road as well. We have exciting times ahead!
Update 2019-11-05 Hello. DSA SOTW is still alive. Here is the long awaited novelties update. This is a keyset that would've felt awkward to release without novelties. Commissioning novelties took quite some time as the work had to pass hands and real life troubles caused delays. Now they are here and I hope you'll feel it's been well worth the wait. OutragedPudding has done one hell of a job to translate two iconic images from the movie Halloween III, the jack-o'-lantern and the silver shamrock, to doubleshot ABS novelties. Final kit renders by Oblotzky will be added soon. They are getting their final tweaks and with the novelties here, we should be all set to move towards the final countdown [sings Europe in falsetto].

Jul 24, 2019
How is it coming @control
Jul 24, 2019
zjohnston1995It's coming along! Check the IC page over on Geekhack for more up-to-date updates! It won't be released through Drop so my updates here are a bit slower (although I'm trying to keep them up too). Proxies are done. The Key Company for the US, for the EU, Daily Clack for AUS and iLouis for Asia. Kit pricing is being teased out. New (kit) renders by Oblotzky are upcoming. OutragedPudding (GMK Taro) has done a couple of novelties. I'm also looking into matching artisans for synced raffles. So yeah. Coming along. Keep your eyes peeled! ;)
Aug 30, 2018
Love this set. Is XDA a possible alternative as backup? Humbly submit that I'd prefer XDA over DSA, though not a dealbreaker - this set is stunning enough that I'd buy it in any profile! Hope things chill out for you in coming months.
Mar 30, 2019
Great that you're back and your son is on the mend, that's fantastic news! Still definitely in on this one as I'm sure are many others. All the best moving forward.
Mar 30, 2019
HypocaffeinicThank you! That means a lot! :)
Aug 10, 2018
love this set id buy instantly
Jun 18, 2018
I love the color scheme even though I've never seen Halloween 3.
Jun 19, 2018
srosethomasIt's not a requirement. Just a recommendation. ;)
Jun 5, 2018
dayum! the font just bewitching me!
Jun 4, 2018
I see two different font sizes in the renders. Classic DSA with oversized legends on the base set and TINY legends on all of the subsequent set renders (numpad, etc...) Which style of legend will the sets have?
Jun 14, 2018
KujoThe intention is for the whole keyset to have regular DSA legends. The child kits are not finished renders, but more like sketches done in the online tool KLE-render. This helps as they are still being tweaked.
Jun 15, 2018
controlAwesome! Thanks for the reply
May 30, 2018
Any update for the project's status? Sorry, but I'm just really hyped for it.
Jun 14, 2018
aaaa_aaaaThere's been a hiatus of a few months during the spring semester due to family matters. I aim to pick things up a bit during the summer. Thanks and stay hyped! :)
Jun 15, 2018
controlCan't wait for this set! Plz keep us posted!
Apr 30, 2018
Which is the base layout for this keyboard?
May 6, 2018
sigulWhat do you mean? This is an interest check for a keyset. The keyset is divided into various kits. A standard full size keyboard would be covered by Alphas+Modifiers+Numpad Kit. If you meant the keyboard in the render, it's a generic MX HHKB keyboard. Examples of such are: RAMA M60-A, Tokyo60, Noxary X60, Duck Viper etc.
Apr 29, 2018
Just looking for an update on this projects status. Not in a rush for the drop but hoping for some semi regular updates to see how things are going. 👍
May 6, 2018
gtobiast13Hi! It's still in the plans, but has been on ice for a while because of IRL family matters; e.g. flu, chickenpox, Easter holiday, travelling etc. It's sort of just kept stacking up. Things are looking better now, but I've felt a little drained recently so just trying to catch up on things in general. Aiming for an update soon! Thank you for asking! :)
Mar 23, 2018
Updated the following kits: Extension Kit, 40% / Ortho Kit and Arrows Kit.
Added 1.5u Esc, 1.5u Backspace and 2u LShift to the Extension Kit. Added 1.75u Shift, 1.25u Shift and 1u Del to the 40% / Ortho Kit. Added OAS and BFN accent arrow keys to the Arrows Kit.
Thank you for all the feedback so far! Keep it coming! :)
Mar 27, 2018
controlAwesome, can’t wait to see this drop! I know timing is hard to say but can you guess when this will drop, like at least the year and quarter? Q4, sooner or earlier?
Mar 27, 2018
gtobiast13Wish I could give a clearer reply, but this is the first time I'm doing this so I'm learning as I go. As soon as I know more, I'll let be sure to share the info. :)
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