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We stand with #BlackLivesMatter

We at Drop condemn all forms of racism, hate, and violence against the Black community.  Nobody in this country should fear for their safety as they go for a run, a drive, to the store, or sleep in their own home. We embrace the Black Lives Matter movement and commit ourselves to do more and being part of the solution instead of standing by while injustice continues to take place in our country. Over the past several days, we've had serious conversations amongst ourselves as a company about what actionable steps we can take to make a difference. We believe that it's not enough to simply condemn racism but to also take immediate action to support the causes we believe in; to contribute directly to creating the change we want to see in our society.  Drop will be supporting organizations that are at the forefront of these issues and are making a significant impact on sustainable change. We are making donations to Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Equal Justice Initiatives, and Campaign Zero. These organizations have consistently pushed these issues forward from a legal, policy, and awareness perspective and we are proud to be their supporters.  Drop will also be launching software engineering internship programs and hardware design internship programs for Black students and will be supporting organizations such as Black Girls Code and Bay Area Black Designers. Our community here on Drop is one that is based on inclusiveness, equality, and support. We will continue our commitment to making sure our platform is free from any hate speech or bigotry and remains a place for everybody. These are critical times and it is important to remember that inaction supports the status quo and existing systems.  The Drop Team

Aug 7, 2021
If anyone was wondering when MD was officially dead.
Jan 8, 2021
I m sorry but i cannot buy from you anymore ...i will unsubscribe...have a nice future
Dec 18, 2020
I was going to buy a watch from you, but after seeing you supporting these terrorists i changed my mind. Chao
Borkayou spelled ciao wrong
Nov 28, 2020
It’s so nice as a customer to see that online companies who have no physical store to be looted support a movement of looting and rioting organization. 😊
Jul 24, 2020
There nothing wrong with the stateman Black Lives Matter, it's true they also matter and we should care about what is happening in there communities. But with that being said I do not support the BLM organization do to racist statements and actions some of their key members have done and said in the past. And how BLM never came out and said what they did was wrong or they disappeared of it.
Sep 23, 2020
The reason I bringing it up is that Motorrad is calling me a racist, so I want to know what he thinks racism is. If you go by the real definition I'm not or the fake one. I'm a light skin 20 year old hispanic male, that doesn't make me better/ superior to anyone, and I don't hate any other race there's no point to that and it's a waste of time. We are all the same species at the end of the day.
Sep 23, 2020
Jr00102 That’s true, yet racism is still rampant the world over. Tough to explain unless the cause is anything other than deliberate by intent.
Jun 29, 2020
I'm fine. Sir, as usual....... You're pathetic about your emotions. But I'm already used to the inconsiderate comments. You're amazed at your lack of ability to react culturally to other opinions, opinions. So, how do you discuss with a landelier gourmet? The score remains .........
Jun 29, 2020
Subaru English is not your first language (I've read through your comment history). It's pretty apparent we're not on the same page philosophically, but without a common language, it's impossible to have coherent conversation with you. Guess we'll just have to leave it there.
Jun 10, 2020
I've worked with Drop in the past on Lucky Soul apparel and I would be happy to pick back up our business relationship with Drop. I don't ask for your donation to help support my business. But I do ask that Drop build more bridges and create more opportunities with brands like mine.
Jun 7, 2020
Thank you very much for this clear statement of support.
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