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The poll result are in my opinion, odd. I've been bushcrafting for a long old time and picked up basically all these items (or identical ones) over the years. The fixed blade arm sharpeners are vastly superior for a consistent shave sharp edge simply due to their design. I am a bit of a whetstone purest and even I will use one after re-profiling to set a keen first edge. If the price is too high, build your own for £10
You know, it really doesn't matter which product you purchase, if you aren't capable of sharpening your knives simply because you aren't able to keep a constant and consistent angle to whichever stone you're using. And that IS the problem I've seen with most people over the last 50+ years I've been mentoring folk on Outdoorsmanship skills.
Pleaseee drop that Spyderco UF stone :)))
For anyone trying to get the spyderco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker to drop, I decided to get a list together of all the polls I could find and post them in each one. It also may help to go to the drop page linked below them and request it, even though that one was for it plus the tenacious.
have the spyderco and cant get a great edge for the life of me. I always end up going toward a diamond rod. Maybe I'm just too slow