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Looks like this will never happen...
Great news! A drop has been launched here:
Thanks everyone for your support, this is likely a one-time buy so if you're in the market be sure to join before the drop ends!
Would love raw aluminum or black cases
titanium colour ^-^
any chance for a low profile case since they have a model to make the CNC cases?
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I can imagine ways to cover the raised edges, but if the fixes aren't cosmetically desired or wanted by the community then there wouldn't be a point. If they were to do an interest check of possible configurations with the community they could gauge all of these inputs. Does the FC660C share the same issues, could it use the same case?
IIRC the FC660C and the FC660M have different sized cases. (FC660C should be larger)
If color is an option, please request a black or gray case. The only cases I know of for the FC660M are the blue/red/white/champagne ones. The black plastic ones are really hard to come by and mine is getting shiny in some places.
I gotta agree with ya man. I got one with a blue case and now i'm afraid any keys i'll get won't match the keyboard.