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Etymotic ER4-S Micro Pro Earphones

Etymotic ER4-S Micro Pro Earphones

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Product Description
Optimized for travel and uncompromising audio, the Etymotic ER4-S Micro Pro Earphones are a great choice for audiophile-grade listening on the go. Made from thick, sturdy plastic, these earphones hold powerful balanced armature drivers that deliver crisp, extended highs, energetic mids, and booming bass Read More

in various other locations on the web, the ER-4S is described as "not good for mobile devices" presumably because of the impedance. Is that correct? I hate to say this, but my primary use for these would be with an iThing, and I don't have the time/patience for faffing with an external amp. My primary goal here is to upgrade from an ancient and failing (ten+ years at this point) set of Etys that provide me with superb noise isolation while I'm in my woodworking shop but I still want enjoyable music and not the deafening roar of saw/dust collection etc.
@PACoug Thanks for the info: I will look into it.
thanks @Jackstraw335 I was hoping for the higher end performance from the ER-4's, but having done more reading: turns out there's a specific version of the ER-4's for iThing's :) Something to keep an Eye on 'Drop' for :)
Mar 29, 2020
The best headphones ever made and still popular now while outperforming new IEMs. The only company giving real studio sound with actual science behind it. While others just overhype and how it outdated than give a real challenge, Since the few that sound better are £1000+. Never understood the hate with BA drivers when in my view there on par with good planar headphones. Never understood the obsession with THD when there no proof it will hinder clarity, Since the last time a A/B was done only few could tell. lol <1%( 0.1 ~ 0.95%) Distortion at 100db that still better than many studio speakers and most headphones that hype there drivers. lol
Mar 21, 2020
ER4... one of the best series of earphones ever made. I am still using a pair of ER4B from 2012
Mar 21, 2020
Is there any advantage to these now that ER4SR/XR are out?
Mar 21, 2020
dgt5I think only the price 
Mar 19, 2020
I HIGHLY recommend that you spend the $ to get custom ear tips made for these. Unless your ear canal is perfectly round like stock tips, or really close. The tips will work on almost any ETY earphones, I used to swap mine from the pricey 4 models to my cheap models for travel and then back again. I now have a set of custom tips for each of my 3 Ety earphones, cheap, mid-price, and E4-S. Huge bass improvement. Better presence. Better seal also helps with not needing an amp. My ear canals are tall rectangles, so I always had to choose between good but painful sealing, or comfortable poor sealing. Cost isn’t that much compared to the huge leap in sound quality. Instructions Can be found on their web site... for years, they subsidized the cost if you owned certain models (how I ended up with three sets of tips.) No more, but absolutely worth the cost.
Mar 21, 2020
EdinNJok I checked: no detachable cable. Sadly that’s a no from me dawg. How do these compare to any of the the ERxSE series? I have a pair of (failing) ER3SE and the PTO, thinking if I should spring for the 4SE instead.
May 14, 2020
blackswanSadly, I've had terrible experience with non-detachable Etymotic cables in the past. These are a different class I know but I got through 4 pairs of HF-5s in 2 years which all had the same issue. The cable simply perished. They replaced the first two sets under warranty and the I paid to replace the third set as an out of warranty replacement. I asked at the time about upgrading to ER4, mostly because of the detachable cables but, at the time, they weren't doing the "Trade-up" program so wouldn't let me. When the same thing happened with the fourth set I vowed never to buy another pair of Etymotics despite how good they sound for their price point.
Aug 6, 2015
Good news group. We’re glad to report that all of the orders have been shipped out from our warehouse and are now on the way to you. Please allow 24-48 hours for tracking to get into the shipper's system and start updating.
If there’s anything else we can do to make your Massdrop experience better, feel free to contact us via “Contact Support” button in your transaction page:
Jul 30, 2015
We have some great news everyone. This Etymotic drop is currently right on schedule, as we have already received the bulk shipment. All that’s left is to break the order down and prepare your individual orders for shipment. We are aiming to get everything out the door by tomorrow! Once everything is shipped, tracking confirmation emails will follow.
Expect an update from us by the end of the day Pacific Time on 8/5 or sooner if something comes up.
Jul 29, 2015
Great news group! We placed the order for the Etymotic ER4-S Micro Pro Earphones shortly after the drop ended.
Our vendor will be preparing it for shipment.
The moment we receive confirmation regarding the shipping schedule from the vendor, we will provide you all with updated information.
Expect an update from us by the end of the day Pacific Time on 7/30 or sooner if something comes up.
Jul 23, 2015
Just want to say I've owned the 4S and the 4P, still do. These things are godly, they are accurate beyond belief and I still prefer them over some of the more expensive sets I have (cough shure, sennheisser).
That said, they are known as "ear rape 4" because of the fit, and the S requires an amp. Though you can swap the cables easily enough to get around the amp.
Best IEMs you can get short of customs.
Jul 24, 2015
frontsidebusAny link to acquire said P/PT cable? I'm not sure how my iPhone will drive these (I hear not so well). I don't mind the "ear rape", I use a pair of HF2 and also have a pair of EtyKids 3. Lol.
Jul 22, 2015
Wish they had offered the ER-PT instead.
Jul 24, 2015
I think he was talking about getting a new cable altogether.
Jul 24, 2015
Nope, the drivers are identical. The resistor is in the cable, right before the Y split. That is why the cable is huge there.
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