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Wow. I don't know if this is Massdrop or that Minh Do is just [more] awesome-er than most other Massdrop vendors (looks like these are drop-shipped, since it came from the Philly area), but my "hank" is scheduled for delivery tomorrow (according to USPS). That means it will show up almost a week before the estimated ship date.
Amazing. I'll let you know what I think of it when I have it in hand.
Aug 17, 2017
TipsyMacScotchslurpenSo how's that hank workin' out for ya?
JonasHeinemanOh haha, sorry for forgetting to get back to everyone.
I love it!  I can't compare it to any other products because I've never owned any hankerchiefs before this one, but it feels extremely well-made.  The embroidery is  absolutely beautiful, with the proper stitch types being used for the design elements and artwork under consideration (this I AM an expert of sorts on, as I used to design artwork for use on commercial automated 15-color embroidery machines, and making sure you use the right stitch types, lengths, and underlay for fills, borders, or 3D elements is as important a consideration as the design itself), not to mention the beauty of the design. I can't imagine the amount of work it takes to do these by hand, but looking at the stitching I notice patterns in the fill stitches that give the design a life that would be hard to duplicate on an embroidery machine... not without programming the design stitch by stitch. No one using a machine ever puts that amount of time into a design (heck, even the single-head machines start at over $4k used, so you can't sit around with the machine waiting for your stitch-by-stitch design), so it really makes me feel like I have a special bit of art in my pocket.
There is one nagging issue, and that is that I can't find a good way to fold it because of where the design is. If it had been at bottom-center or nestled in one of the corners it would have been perfect. Luckily, not being a formalwear kind of guy, it hasn't been a problem. I generally keep in in my man-purse (actually, it's a tablet bag that I have repurposed for use as my diabetes "kit", where I keep my blood glucose tester, insulin, and other related items), which I have to have with me at all times. This could be a problem for others, though.
TL;DR: Wonderful as hank, lovely as art, one nagging issue as formalwear accessory.