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Jul 16, 2015
Anyone have recommendations on liners or additions to this bag to make it able to go to even lower temps? Am moving up to the Canadian border and would be interested in some winter camping near Lake Superior. General recommendations for winter gear is welcome as well - I've been living in the South for a few years...
Jul 16, 2015
Cmcarus@Cmcarus - This bag could take you into the shoulder seasons of spring and fall in your location. However, even with a liner (which may add 5 degrees of warmth), I'd still suggest you look into getting a much warmer bag for winter camping. A 0 degree bag would be minimum, but I'd lean towards a -20 degree. There aren't a lot of choices at that temperature rating simply because not as many people go camping in those conditions.
Jul 25, 2015
DannyMilksThanks for the reply! Got mine in the mail today - quite happy with it! It's really roomy and when I zipped myself up I was immediately warmer. I'll take it up to MI and definitely keep it on hand for the other seasons and if my heat ever goes out! I didn't realize the women's version was going to be purple though...