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Dec 5, 2017
I'm honestly shocked with this community. This had to be the worst looking out of all the sets in the competition, how could anyone like this?
Dec 5, 2017
Dec 5, 2017
AdmrlAhabWhat I find shocking is the lack of acceptance - I don't like the set either, it's definitely not for me and I think the design is lacklustre. How is that surprising, though? Firstly the votes for the contest were site wide rather than catering to the enthusiast market as they usually are, furthermore this is @Glimy 's first design and even though he had help from a few knowledgeable people the liberties he is able to take are much reduced compared to those of established designers.
I can see why someone who's new to the hobby or not part of it at all would vote for something like this. I can also see why they wouldn't actually buy it now that it is available. People underestimate the buying power of the die hard enthusiasts compared to the general public and as such the poll was not the most effective way to gauge interest.
That said, this is the first time they've done this. Live and learn.
Dec 5, 2017
Dec 5, 2017
VigrithHow are they going to limit it to only keyboard enthusiasts though?
Dec 5, 2017
Dec 5, 2017
BlueCrownedI didn't say they could (or should), what I meant by my comment was that having an IC on GH (and even Reddit, to an extent) is always going to yield far truer results than putting up a poll on MD no matter what.
In theory they could potentially restrict voting to people who have made at least one purchase greater than 50 bucks in the Keyboard section, for example. Albeit again, as said, not saying they should - but if they ever wanna take the contests a little more seriously that could be an option.
Dec 5, 2017
Dec 5, 2017
AdmrlAhabI was disappointed it won. I think this set looks hideous.
Dec 5, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
VigrithI actually like the idea that only those "who have made at least one purchase greater than 50 bucks in the Keyboard section" in their future contest.
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
GlimyI don't. I'm someone that has only just recently spent over 50 bucks on MD (yay laser) but still voted on caps. Limiting the voice of those that may not have found anything worth spending >50$ will just prevent the voices of the people that are new to be heard giving a level of disproportionality to the results.
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
RainbowraptorThat's just not true though. It would give it a level of proportionality. If what you mean to say is that it wouldn't be as fair then sure, that's obvious and not what I'm arguing at all.
The intent of a poll, if one is to want to see as much success (as in numbers/profit) once the drop becomes active (which I assume is the case every time) is to have votes be as closely correlated and directly proportional to sales as they can possibly be. If everyone's allowed to vote the results are skewed and sales suffer when people don't put out with their money where their mouth is.
Would you (or MD) rather have 20000 votes and 200 sales or 2000 votes and 1250 sales? The former is a theoretical example but the latter is extrapolated from Laser's vote (held outside of Massdrop) where people voted for Gaijin versus Kobe, 2k people voted and then 900 + 350 sets sold in the end.
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
VigrithThen maybe make it to where they make one purchase but artificially limiting it to an above 50 dollar purchase just locks out legitimate customers. In addition to that even if you limited the amount of people that could vote having 20+ different sets to vote on is going to dilute the vote. If 2000 people voted and 200 voted on one set and that won that's still only 1/10th of the voters happy. Honestly as much as I liked the idea I don't think the way this was handled was very well thought out.
As for you bringing up laser that can't be compared do to the fact that 1 it was set up by an extremely popular set designer and 2 had more then a year to hype the set up. So what you have there are a whole lot of people exited to buy a set with mass appeal and a potential for high resale in a year when new people come in and find they want the set. Using any poll from laser and comparing it to this is about as useful as apples to oranges. Hell comparing any poll with multitudes of different options with a poll that only has two different kits in an already extensive main set isn't fair.
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
RainbowraptorI'm comparing the voting system, not the design or the designers.
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
Thanks for the thoughtful conversation around ideas here everyone. This was obviously the first community design contest for massdrop, and the feedback, discussion, and ideas are super helpful in shaping how future iterations of this go.
That said, I think the team did an incredible job on this first iteration. I'm obviously a bit biased, but I think it's pretty special that there were ~100 designs submitted (many by first time designers), thousands of voters, and that a keycap design that would have never existed otherwise is going to be made and in the hands of a couple hundred people. And I think Glimy did an awesome job designing this set, and bringing to life the digital version of his keyboard. I'm pretty disappointed by some of the negative and hateful sentiment coming at him and his design... as a new keycap designer, I'd hope he'd receive a way warmer welcome.
There's obviously room to make the contest even better next time. I think it's interesting that we could considering limiting voters (or submissions) in some way, or change the voting mechanic to make it more likely the "right" keycaps make it to the top. I don't really think the pool system was bad, personally. Ultimately, if this set was more popular than others in it's pool and the 3 pool winners, I think it's likely it would have won out against any pool (the individual "match-ups" likely wouldn't sway that much). This was one of the few designs that had extensive, and creative use of symbols/novelties, among other things it did well. Those things definitely stand out for a broader audience, and the vote may have certainly been different if just "people who already spent $50" could vote.
But I think the approach depends on the goal of the contest. One potential goal is to make an amazing new keyboard that wouldn't otherwise be made. I don't know if that means it needs to be one that existing, hardcore keyboard enthusiasts deem worthy. In fact, I think it would be awesome if this contest led to bringing new people into mech keys by creating a more approachable or "mass market" (for lack of better term) keycap set. So there could be a goal to bring in new people to the community and letting people in the community engage with it in a new way. Another goal could be to get new people involved in designing and making keyboards. Lastly, given Massdrop is a business there is always a goal of trying to sell keyboards. But I don't think that should overtake the other goals at the sacrifice of getting more people involved or making something new and unique.
One idea based on this conversation (not sure this would actually be feasible, but interesting none the less..): what if the next time around we had both a public poll and a "existing Massdrop keycap buyers" poll.. basically the potential for two winning sets from one contest that would launch separately. This could be an interesting "test" for all of us to see how things shape up in that context, and giving even more designers ways to bring their keycap sets to life. Thoughts?
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
bradrFirstly, I find the idea of 2 polls to have a lot of potential - my posts here only tell the story of a portion of my thoughts, I spoke with Duncan about this in private before the contest even began as well as with others involved during/post the course of it. Given what you guys set out to achieve with this I think your procedure was correct, it appeals to a different market than the "rest of us", it probably has brought a fair amount of attention and exposure to the hobby as a whole and you are rewarding community members for being creative. Job well done there, the people shitting on the design(er) don't understand the function it serves or the why behind the movement for the better part, we both know that.
That said, and going back to your 2 poll idea, if nothing else it'd be an interesting exercise in order to see how much they would differ from one another. The biggest inherent flaw (a word I use with no animosity) here when it comes to translating what you guys accomplished into a set that sells competitively is that when I mentioned the "rest of us" above, our definition of a worthwhile design that makes for a purchase is monumentally different from what the general public perceives as a "fun idea" or a "cool concept" for a myriad of reasons.
When I said the 50 dollar rule could work I meant purely from a business/sales perspective without taking anything else into account. I'm sure there are better ways to go about this where one could strike a balance between both intents (as you already have with your idea).
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 6, 2017
bradrWhat about making it so you need at least one confirmed purchase in the community instead? That'd be a good way to prevent people from voting on something they don't have an interest in I think.
Dec 6, 2017
AdmrlAhabIt is important to realize that your taste isn't the taste of everyone in the community.
I think people need to calm down. If you don't like a set, you don't like it. Not a big deal if a set isn't for you.
Please don't be mean to others just because you don't like a set though. One of the great things about this community is that average users have the ability to work hard and create something new and awesome!
Dec 6, 2017
Dec 7, 2017
GlimyWell I have spent well over 50 buxs in the keyboard section. I guess it's a good thing as I probably don't need to spend anymore on keyboards atm.
Dec 7, 2017
Dec 7, 2017
bradrI have to respectfully disagree on the pool idea. There were 3 or 4 sets in one group that I liked and would have purchased without question. There were none in any of the other three groups that I felt the same about. I nearly considered only voting in the one group but ended up voting for sets that I thought were ok but may or may not have bought. I think a straight vote count would have a far different result.
Dec 7, 2017
Dec 8, 2017
bradr"In fact, I think it would be awesome if this contest led to bringing new people into mech keys by creating a more approachable or "mass market" (for lack of better term) keycap set". Seems unlikely, demographics don't work that way. If Ferrari had a online poll for their next 2019 supercar I would vote(just like millions of other people), but I'm certainly not going to buy the car. Even if the "general public" is voting on keycap sets — it means nothing if they aren't planning to buy it. We're looking at $120+ for a keycap set. Most non-keyboard enthusiasts always question me why I would spend that kind of money when I don't even get a whole keyboard.
Unless MD opens a manufacturing shop, the only way the general public is going to purchase sets is by purchase power/number of purchases (a "mass drop" if we're being clever).
If the goal is simply make random keysets from a randomly polled group of people then that's fine of course, MD is free to do what they want in that regard. If you want sales, you need to limit your audiences. If MD has an SEO guy — talk to him. This is basic advertising concept.
Dec 8, 2017
Dec 8, 2017
AdmrlAhabBought a bunch of keys you guys raved about before but I found this set to be the coolest looking of all. Futuristic yet elegant at the same time. But I collect $20k paintings and watches so our tastes may differ.
Dec 8, 2017
Dec 8, 2017
AdmrlAhabOpen voting systems end up with Boaty McBoatface, as has been proven time and time again. Everyone has an opinion, but they don't all have the same weight unless they have skin in the game. @Vigrith 's idea of proving you have an actual interest in the product feels like a good first step. Provide some easy to cross but minimal bonafides that this is something you are actually interested in and would spend money on. The two poll system would be an interesting case study and I think it's something that should be tried.
I found @Veda comment very interesting though. As a someone relatively new to the deep hole that this hobby can become, I find my tastes changing as I acquire more knowledge and get exposed to more and more history and products. What would have appealed to me when I started and what appeals to me now are very different and massdrop is to be applauded for at least trying this approach. I can't help but feel it backfired a little and needs a few more safe guards to ensure that the product that finally launches is actually as successful as it deserves to be.
EDIT: One idea that came to me as I was finishing up - require people put a fee up for voting, but can be spent on anything in the keyboard community to get their vote to count. A token amount, 5-10usd. It can be redeemed on anything in the Mech Keys community. But it's required to vote on something that creates a new product.
Dec 8, 2017
Dec 8, 2017
yanfaliMost great arts aren't for everyone... Unless you stick a "Supreme" on it.
Dec 8, 2017
Dec 12, 2017
Veda"bought a bunch of keys you guys raved about..." Dude, I don't even go around telling people what I like, this is just a case of bad design language. i'm sure Glimy can make great stuff, but those legends do not a good design make.
Dec 12, 2017
Dec 12, 2017
AdmrlAhab "I'm honestly shocked with this community. This had to be the worst looking out of all the sets in the competition, how could anyone like this?"
"Dude, I don't even go around telling people what I like"
Ok, that is exactly what you are going around doing. BUT that isn't a problem, the problem is that you are acting like you are the gate keeper to good design and everyone else should fall in line. I like this design, it won a vote, AND it's meeting MQO. There is no issue with this design. Your tastes aren't universal.
Dec 12, 2017
Dec 13, 2017
AdmrlAhab"this is just a case of bad design language."
And you're the authority in...?
Dec 13, 2017
Dec 13, 2017
AdmrlAhab Maybe I'm just trying to hard to implement this type UI on physical keyboard...
Dec 13, 2017
Dec 13, 2017
mrkantzAnd people voted with their money. Dislikers don't have to vote. Nobody needs to start a thread bashing something as subjective like aesthetic design. That's just an excuse for slander and insult to the designer.
Dec 13, 2017
Dec 13, 2017
GlimyYou're doing great man.
Dec 13, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
VedaThe set may not even hit MOQ , the people really have voted with their money.
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
keebwarriorIt already hit MOQ..
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
yanfali 🤔 I might consider buying the Boaty McBoatface keyset. j/k
I like the idea of committing $5-$10 with the caveat that if your choice(s) don't win then you get the money back. If they do win, it goes toward your purchase and if you don't purchase, you lose the $5 (or maybe a coupon to buy something else).
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
BlueCrownedI think this keyset is going to look great on a Planck!
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
djensen47Actually, Boaty McBoatface could be kinda neat. Red alphas with white text. White mods with red text. Specialty keys with and Antarctic theme, like penguins, seals, a torpedo boat thingy, and a yellow esc key with a face on it. I guess the more accurate name for the set would be RRS David Attenborough but that's not as fun.
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
djensen47It will be better with Green helipad as the esc key? the yellow submarine should be the spacebar. and some artisan translucent iceberg keycap?
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
GlimyThat's perfect. But maybe the OS key should be the subs. Don't see too many spacebar designs in keyset drops.
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
djensen47Ohh I'm talking about pure solid yellow spacebar without the design.
Dec 27, 2017
Dec 27, 2017
GlimyThat and the enter key. The enter key could have the Boaty McBoatface autosub design on it.
Dec 27, 2017
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