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Aug 31, 2017
The Git modifiers make no sense.. Looks cool.. but they do not represent how Git is normally used..
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
skabeiNor do most themed/novelty kits. How many people have a different ESC key because they like it? You can get virtually anything for R1 if you look around. The ESC key isn't used to open Steam, or indicate radioactivity, or do anything in Half Life except close the game, but people buy them because they like them and it's a key that doesn't really need to be labeled. Same with the enter key, same with ctrl/alt/win keys (my win keys are portal keys w/ a stick figure entering/exiting at the moment, what does that have to do with how I use Windows or Linux?). Anyway my drawn out point is it's all just a matter of preference.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
GaleForceI understand that they're arbitrary labels, but these seem a little over the top. ESC makes sense because it's universal on all keyboard layouts now and "ESC" doesn't really mean what it does, but we all know it as the "Cancel button". With these mods though, I would get questions from my friends and coworkers who ask me if pushing L-Shift really rebases for me or if pressing Tabs actually pushes my commits.. I just feel a bit silly using them because I'm not going to make bash aliases to match the keyboard.. You might say I'm being pedantic but I prefer legends so other people can use my keyboard if they're at my computer and having mis-labeled keys would throw people off. I wouldn't put a DVORAK key layout on my board when I'm running QWERTY.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
skabeiThen don't buy the kit? Some people like to have a bit more fun with legends
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
climbalimaI'm not buying the kit, but I'm bringing this up because I feel it's more confusing than other labeled mods I've seen.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
skabeiAesthetically, I agree with you. I'm not a big fan of what amounts to keycaps as topical word-clouds. Which is why I'm not buying them.
But among other reasons, some folks don't share your desire to share boards with others. Some folks go out of their way to have boards others find difficult to use. It isn't my daily driver, but as a bit of a joke, I used an Atreus equipped with Modern Semiotic caps at work for a while. From folks unaware of the custom keyboard tarpit, it got a reaction. Love that keyset.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
j.a.lSure, as I said, it's just a preference thing. I personally wouldn't go for the Git legends on regular alphas because to me that doesn't make sense aesthetically, it's not like I have macros bound to those keys. But for me personally, went with it for the regular modifiers because, to me, those are just as universal as the ESC key. It doesn't matter to me what symbol/text is on CTRL, ALT, WIN, SHIFT, CAPS, etc. because I never even glance at those keys if I space out when I'm typing.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
GaleForceYep, I think we mostly agree, with minor preference differences. Of course, I'm not perfectly consistent either. My most recent build uses a few word-cloud caps. (Best fit of the SA caps I had on hand and I kinda like it, given how obnoxious the rest of the board is; obviously still have a little problem.)
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
j.a.lI'm okay with Godspeed's and DangerZone's mods because they don't mean too much from a computer standpoint. I don't think anyone really expects anything from pressing "Hard Over". However, I find the Git ones confusing because it's actually somewhat plausible to have shift remapped to do a rebase on your terminal. I know it's all preference, but this is one of the odder ones for me. Personally, I would probably be getting the Oblivion mods if I'm getting this keyset.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
j.a.lFor sure. That's obviously a novelty board for you, something you indulged on. I can't imagine anyone running that setup as their primary keyboard, but you never know. Really unique looking board though. As much as I love my mechanical keyboards I keep a pretty slim collection in part because a lot of the Signature Plastics sets always struck me as being something of a novelty for someone like me and the ones I do like are just never going to be in stock again most likely. I'm so picky about it but once I finally decided I was going to put some functional and nice keycap sets together I finally stopped being lazy about it and checked sites like Massdrop and other limited vendors on a regular basis.
I'm still trying to find a perfect 75% board though, I usually use 100% because of my preference for function but lately I've wanted a smaller form factor. Something with alphanumerics, function keys, and arrow keys would be perfect, but I'm trying to find one that doesn't waste any space (where the right side ends at the right arrow and there's a few extra keys from the home group going up from there to the top). I believe that's 75%. There's a few out there, but I also don't want to buy it from a garbage company. I'll find it eventually though.
Aug 31, 2017
Aug 31, 2017
GaleForceThat board is not my daily board, no. (And thanks for the diplomatic 'unique' compliment. Yeah, that board is not for everyone.)
It sounds to my like you're describing a board like the TX87[1], but I'm not sure. I love that board; it is absolutely top-shelf quality, and has a matching price tag.
Or if you're not wed to MX switches and would prefer to not spend a sum that could otherwise fund major dental work, the RF87U[2] is a very nice mass-produced Topre board. I use one at work.
Aug 31, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
j.a.lHey don't get me wrong unique is awesome. It's a combination and style I would never pick for myself but nobody else ever would except for you and that makes it truly one-of-a-kind. I figure maybe one day in quite some time I'll have some extra keycaps and decide to put them to use on a 40% bored or something small like that just to display them and do something creative. But right now it's all about practicality and aesthetics combined for me.
That was funny though because when I typed the message I thought to myself "I hope he doesn't think I'm calling it ugly." I really don't think that, it's just not how I'd design my impractical fun keyboard, haha.
Also thanks for the tip on a 75% board to check out. I was hoping by mentioning it that maybe someone would jump in with some ideas. Someone actually posted a picture in this drops discussion somewhere of several of them all with this keycap set all in the same alphas and modifiers. It's exactly the same form factor I want, it's just very hard to find one that isn't either made by a garbage company or over $300.
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
j.a.lI just found a picture of the exact layout and form factor I'm talking about. It's not hard to find pictures of them it's just hard to find one that I'm willing to pull the trigger on myself.
Any suggestions on Brands I should check out that carry something like this? It seems to be a somewhat popular size among enthusiasts but I can only seem to find $40 or $50 cheap ones on Amazon or$400 DIY kits. Is there any middle ground?
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
GaleForceThe KBD75 is fairly popular and it's a good middle ground. Lots of build videos online and I hear it's quite sturdy. I was close to getting this.. but then I discovered the SentraqS75 which should be releasing soon (groupbuy) KBD75:
I'm interested in the S75 because the keyboard will have hot-swappable switches. Perfect for me to play around with switches without having to desolder. SentraqS75:
Either is a good choice. An alternate that is also quite good is the Vortex 75%. The only problem is that it has a unique first row with a 1.25u ESC key which makes it nearly impossible to find custom keysets for. I think they only did this to stagger the top row so it doesn't look as odd. Vortex 75%:
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
skabeiThanks for the suggestions. I've actually run into the kdb a few times and I didn't give it the consideration I probably should have because I thought based on its price that it was a cheap knockoff of a brand that was maybe known for doing it really well. But I'll take another look at it and as far as the vortex goes I've seen that one too and yeah the ESC key is a major barrier for me. I don't like the way it looks let alone the lack of support for it in most kits. I'll have to check the S75 though, never heard of it and just glad to hear there's another option.
Thanks again for the info.
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
GaleForceNP. 75% boards are a bit informal, so besides Vortex, nobody else is really doing it yet. Sentraq seems to have good solid boards for a relatively low price. I'm not personally familiar with the brands, but I've heard enough good things about both to get them.
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
skabeiThat surprises me since I've seen such great designs on 75% boards I would have guessed that at least some of the high-end specialty brands were producing that in some small quantity assembled and ready to use out of the box.
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
GaleForceAh, OK, I see what you're after. In addition to the boards Skabei mentioned, you might look for a Red Scarf Ver-[something - I forget which one]. They make a 78-key board, and the price is reasonable.
There's also the Exent[1], which is currently delayed, but should hit r/mm eventually. Although you mentioned wanting to not waste space, and wasting space is the entire point of that board.
Sep 1, 2017
Sep 1, 2017
j.a.lWas gonna reply but had a work emergency to deal with. But the much more brief version is thanks for all the keyboard ideas you've sent. That last one, the Exent, is one I'm torn on. On one hand, it looks phenomenal as far as its presence, and even though it's large and the opposite of going with something less than my typical 100% boards it's not large in a way that I can really fault it for. Those marketing pictures though. I feel like I could take a super-macro picture of one of my old Razer's keycaps (it was my first mechanical keyboard back in the day, don't judge me... you're still judging me aren't you? yeah I would too), especially because it's from before they even had the Chroma lines or whatever they call it now, and post said picture somewhere and say I'm developing a keycap set people would be telling me to shut up and take their money. I mean Razer does manufacture a consistent product year after year, you can always count on them having spent just enough to make you think they actually have an R&D department. Roasted.
Not sure how that turned into a Razer roast. I guess marketing dollars being spent. Anyway I'm going to keep an eye on the Exent. As far the Red Scarf, I am very familiar with it. To the point where I wouldn't think it was weird if a man who was typing his whole life on some terrible piece of cost-cutting that came with a Dell or something started crying after getting a perfect board the first time around. I am convinced that a keyboard like that would have helped George R R Martin finish the books and some other unnamed project from start to finish, as well. But either they're impossible to find or "did I just have a small stroke? probably for the best since I'm going to miss the group buy now" expensive.
Sep 1, 2017
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