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Oct 2, 2018
Hey guys I have the Sennheiser HD 598 SE since 2015,will these be an upgrade?
Oct 2, 2018
HiFi_EliObviously!!! people say its "close" to HD 600 , HD 650 HD 660!!! Even i was planning on getting a HD 598!!! Until i came across these killers!!! Grab it while you can!!
Oct 2, 2018
HiFi_EliWell, thers no real answer anyone can give you, just opinions. Some like these, some don't. I told myself- you live only once, before I entered the drop. I found this chart on net, Solderude has a great comparison on his website, was here: also link on redit:
You may find it useful:
 Bass extension: HD660S > HD650 > HD600 > HD58X  Bass quality: HD660S > HD58X > HD600 > HD650  Mids quality: HD660S > HD58X > HD600 > HD650  Warmth: HD650 > HD58X > HD660S > HD600  Clarity: HD600 > HD58X > HD660S > HD650  Treble quality: HD650 > HD600 > HD660S > HD58X  Treble level: HD600 > HD650 > HD660S > HD58X  Smoothness: HD650 > HD600 > HD660S > HD58X  Liveliness: HD660S > HD58X > HD650 > HD600  Neutral sound: HD600 > HD660S > HD58X > HD650
That should help quickly pick which one is best for you. Basically the 6xx is warmer/smoother and more detailed, but the 58x will sound more exciting. Now, take this comparison with grain of salt, many reviewers did say if they would listen and enjoy 660s or 58x, than have a listen on 6xx or any other, with some apart, they wouldn't be able to tell difference. They are only apparent with a/b testing.
Oct 3, 2018
HiFi_EliThanks guys!
Oct 3, 2018
HiFi_EliThe HD 58X are on a higher echelon, buddy. The HD 598 SE sound great compared to a lot of headphones, but against the Jubilees, they sound flabby in the lows, muddy in the mids, and veiled in the highs. I used to own the HD 598 SE and gifted them to a friend in mint condition, basically unused after a year of owning them. I only liked their holographic sound stage. Everything else about them left me unsatisfied.
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