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Nordost Heimdall 2 Headphone Cables

Nordost Heimdall 2 Headphone Cables

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Product Description
Winner of a Hi-Fi+ Award in 2017, the Nordost Heimdall 2 aims to be the highest-quality 4-pin balanced cable for high-end headphones out there. Measuring a comfortable 2 meters long, each cable consists of 32 AWG 7/40 conductors that have been individually insulated and twisted into a Litz construction to increase flexibility, eliminate triboelectric noise within the cable, and improve its mechanical damping Read More

Apr 15, 2018
So, any comments from someone who has received this cable from the drop?
Mar 3, 2018
so this must be made of an alloy of unicorn blood and adamantium .
Mar 2, 2018
32AWG is much too thin of a wire. It will make an audible difference because the wires are so think it will greatly accentuate the "highs" of the audio while not being able to transfer enough of the low end. And due to how thin, the much lower capacitance will also accentuate the highs. Its no wonder people think this does wonders for their audio, as people age they lose a lot of their high frequency hearing ability. This cable will so greatly accentuate that spectrum that people will think it added a bunch of airy depth to their audio. In reality, they just cant hear well anymore and the cable re-balanced the audio so that it rolls off the lows a bunch of boosts the high frequency transfer. Why pay so much for a cable that is literally bad at its job because it is incapable of treansfering audio correctly?
Mar 2, 2018
EniGmA1987It's doubtful that 32AWG wire will have any significant impact on frequency response. The capacitance of wires does not affect frequencies even close to the range of human hearing. At most, the wire could add one or two ohms to the output impedance seen by the headphone, which is really only significant with BA IEMs.
Mar 2, 2018
jdeoxysWell having made cables myself for many years and having used dozens and dozens of them, I know from personal experience and knowledge that cable gauge most certainly affects the sound. You can hear large differences in even a jump of 2 wire sizes. Its not about the ohms, its about the capacitance. More capcitance reduces high frequencies and accentuates the lows. As you get smaller you lower the capacitance which has less attenuation on the highs, but when you get too small they cannot convey the "energy" of the bass enough. A hundred picofarads makes a pretty large difference, more than you think.
Mar 2, 2018
For me, this Nordost cable is a good chance. Selecting cable is very difficult, I think. Yes, there are snake oil like cables on the market. But Nordost's Red Dawn interconnect cables between my amplifiers have done very good job for years. So I trust Nordost's headphone cable. Besides, in JP this cable is made-to-order and more expensive (over $700) . Sorry for poor English.
Mar 2, 2018
Do these cables open a portal?
Mar 3, 2018
I literally laughed lol
Mar 3, 2018
Raydeon Happy to be of service ;- )
Mar 2, 2018
Because an A/B test is a completely objective measure, right? This has idiot tax written all over it.
Mar 1, 2018
Guys, those cables changed my life! Ever since i've got them: My GF and I, came back together. I suddenly graduated and got my college degree. My Six pack just popped out. All my bank loans transformed from a minus, to a positive value. The Ankle injury i had, healed itself overnight. My DT990 transformed into 1990. Seriously i'd keep going but i have no time, Bill gates is waiting for me.
Mar 1, 2018
These cables DO make an audible difference when A/B-ing balanced low level interconnects. I compared their low level cables to some older Straightwire Rhapsody cables made with silver....the resolution through a Krell preamp and a Krell KSA 250 into Thiel CS5i loudspeakers demonstrated about a 15% improvement. We didn't have their speaker cables though...just the old Straightwire ones. My only concern is that I'd want to make sure these fit my Sennheiser HD800s headphones. The photos sure look like they do. These are priced very well compared to the list price that Nordost gets. If I could be sure these were the 2HEHP-1 cables, I might consider them. Wow!
Mar 2, 2018
audioadvocateYes, you are offered the option for choosing the 2HEHP-1 during checkout (listed ther as simply HD800). These fit the Sennheiser HD-800. The 2HEHP-3 is also available (listed as HD6XX) which fits the HD580/58X/600/6XX/650 series, Plus, there are options for 4 pin mini-XLR (Audeze LCD-3, -2, X, XC) and other terminations available such as for HiFiMAN (4XX), AKG812, MrSpeakers and so forth. You can see the various available terminations when you click on "Join Drop". As you probably know, clicking Join Drop doesn't commit you to making the purchase until you fill everything else in so don't be afraid to do so to see the options.
Mar 2, 2018
SGvaThanks for the info. I just saw a Stereophile review of Nordost...they love 'em. Apparently their low-level balanced connectors and their unusual flat, speaker cables make a significant difference at the very high end. I realize that these cables are expensive, but I have personally witnessed how cables that represent a capacitive or inductive load to an amplifier's output transistors can change the overall sound. While these effects may be less significant with headphones, depending on the headphone amplifier you are using, you may experience a palpable improvement. The Litz wire configuration is well-known to reduce inductive effects on an amplifier's outputs, and it's my personal experience that tube outputs are more susceptible to inductive and capacitive effects than bipolar transistors.
Mar 1, 2018
Stop bitching about expensive cables as snake oil if you haven’t done any a/b with them. Nordost has been making cables over 25 years for sensitive medical and aerospace systems and high end audio/video. They may only give you a small percentage of improvement but its for those who have the setup and means to gain that extra improvement. If you’re poor, stfu. This ain’t for you. Thank you Massdrop for giving us more options.
Mar 1, 2018
YourmammaYep. Cables do make a difference, best thing is to a/b cables using your rig. There are companies that allow you to try various cables, you pay shipping, and the rental fee can be applied to a purchase. I’ve tried balanced interconnect cables in the $100 -$3,000 range, just to hear how they shaped the sound. I believe the exercise is worth the shipping costs. If you a/b some cables and don’t notice a thing with your rig, you have learned a great deal about your ears, your system, your room. Right now, I am going back to mostly playing vinyl and there is always more to learn. Cheers.
Mar 2, 2018
YourmammaPeople that buys those cables do not need Massdrop, Massdrop is not the platform for those how can/want to buy 1000 USD cables, This is the strange thing here.
Mar 1, 2018
You guys are laughing about the price, but you forgot the most important point:
free shipping to the USA!!
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