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OSTRY KC06A Inner-Ear Earphones

OSTRY KC06A Inner-Ear Earphones

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Product Description
After hearing the original Ostry KC06 Earphones, we figured that the ideal balance between portability and performance had finally been reached, but fortunately, we were mistaken. An improved edition of the KC06 that includes a warmer sound signature, a more musical presentation, and some slick red accents, the Ostry KC06A Inner-Ear Earphones will become your new go-to travel buddies Read More

Oct 31, 2014
Update please ?
Nov 1, 2014
Yeah, an update would be great. I mean, I'm sure you guys are doing the best you can and I know that you're busy with other orders, but just a short email would be greatly appreciated.
Hi All,
These finally arrived at our warehouse late today. Tomorrow our team will breakdown the bulk order and get these labeled and readied for shipment. We will work with our warehouse team to expedite the process in any way possible.
Thanks for your patience and expect an update from us on 10/31 or sooner if something comes up.
Nov 3, 2014
HassanSCould we get an update please?
Nov 4, 2014
HassanSHassan, Update?
Apr 7, 2016
Buyer beware!
I just received this product.
I originally purchased this product almost 2 yrs ago when they first hit Massdrop. Great earphones. Great bass right out of the box.
I liked them so much, that I decided to buy a 2nd one as a backup. Well....the bass is gone, relatively speaking, compared to my first buds. I went back and forth between the two. It's less balanced overall due to the missing bass/lower mids.
I'm really ANGRY since I can't return them. The manufacturer messed around with wasn't broken and changed the sonic signature for the worse!
BTW, burn-in? Nonesense. The first earphones, out of the box, had all its bass there. I can "burn-in" this second set 20,000 hrs and that won't bring out the HUGE amount of MISSING bass (they probably used cheaper parts on later batches/iterations).
Shame on you OSTRY for making a great product worse! I'm soured on this name from now on!
Apr 11, 2016
Well, I don't have a pair of 2-year-old KC06A to compare with so I can't say whether it was a defective unit or Ostry has changed their product. I do find the LZ Z03A has a very similar sound signature to the KC06A that I got from Massdrop. The soundstage of Z03A is even slightly better than KC06A in my opinion. The Z03A is only $30 from Aliexpress. The only thing is you will have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for delivery (might still be faster than Massdrop?)
May 9, 2016
I can vouch for this. I bought a pair January 2015 after reading reviews and i loved them. I'm kind of a bass-head and the bass on these were awesome. The iems i was using before this were the xiaomi piston 2s, which were pretty good especially for their price. They weren't quite as clear as the ostrys but they did have some good bass (didn't get muddy when you turned the bass up). But i think the ostrys were a little better in both clarity and bass.
Anyways...after about 6 months, one of the ears started malfunctioning so i decided to just buy a new one from the same place i got my first one. I felt like the second ones sounded a little off but maybe it was just me. One day i forgot to bring my ostrys to work, so i had to use my pistons that i leave there as backup...and man did i notice a huge difference in bass! The pistons made the ostry's bass seem non-existent! Something definitely changed...
Jan 24, 2017
The cable quality is not acceptable.
Oct 1, 2017
Sir you deserve a thumbs up just for posting a very lengthy post alone. Longest post i have seen at massdrop. And the content is also demonstrating your passion will to share the knowledge. Kudos to you!
ridhuankimTingo cables are best I later found out they came with more than just the one style of connector but that was another install. I may dig around on aliexpress again and find those also I think they cheaper on Taobao but that needs a Taobao agent which you have to study that whole process. Also these links are getting old might be something better now. Just ordered the Cavalli Liquid Carbon X so I'm still around here. I noticed they changed the comment system now tho so it hides my huge posts so now huge posts in the future im going to have to start my own thread...................
Nov 18, 2014
Well this is just great. Phone from the bed with IEMs stuck on the sidebar and look what happened. Talk about build quality, you can clearly see how the jack was just barely clamped on and that's it.
So pissed off. Any way of contacting the RMA department? Their site is in freaking Chinese. --'
Nov 18, 2014
Jack_CarverTalk to Massdrop support instead.
Nov 18, 2014
ZALHERAWill do, thanks.
Oct 29, 2014
Nov 5, 2017
I realize these are under $50 now - but for an over $110 IEM - these should have a removable cable. Am I off here? Otherwise - reviews are great. . . other than cable issues. Sound sig - I'm hearing excellent. I'm considering.
Correct: they've been $45 for awhile (I paid that amount two years ago). However, that doesn't diminish their value. My pair is unsellable, because I wouldn't part with them for less than $50
Dec 28, 2017
wes.bassThese aren't exactly IEMs, though. It specifically lists them as inner-ear earphones.
Nov 3, 2014
Not sure if Halloween delayed response or something, but an update will be appreciated.
Aug 24, 2015
Hi folks,
This is not a post about about the quality of the product being offered. This is not a post about the price or selection. Others have made posts about these topics and, from everything I've read, this seems to be a very popular item. I cannot comment on the actual product being offered.
Rather, this post is about the title of this drop. I know it's late in the drop (it ends tomorrow), but I just saw it and felt compelled to add one small correction.
These are "in-ear" earphones. These are not "inner-ear earphones". What's the difference, you ask? "In-ear" usually refers to a product that is placed in the ear canal of the outer ear. The inner ear is a collection of specific anatomical structures including 2 vestibules, 3 semi-circular canals and the cochlea. While this might seem like a trivial distinction - some could even call it splitting hair cells - it's an important one. The closest we have to true "inner-ear" earphones would be things like cochlear implants.
IEM refers to "in [the] ear monitor". Most earbuds that push into the canal fall into this category. For hearing aids, acronyms refer to ITE (in the ear), ITC (in the canal), RIC (receiver in canal) and CIC (completely in canal).
I don't think there was any confusion about what these earbuds are. I think everyone pretty much understands these are "in (the) ear" earphones. I just wanted to call attention to the error so that it's not repeated in future descriptions. (Yes, this has been an error in past earbud descriptions.)
I realize that some may feel that I'm picking nits and perhaps I am. But I still wanted to mention this error. ;-)
Hope this illuminates, enlightens and/or adds to our collective knowledge of trivia ... never know when it will come in handy.
As you were.
Sources: any decent anatomy textbook and reliable references explaining commonly used acronyms for hearing aids.
Fine print: periodically edited - significant changes to content are noted, affiliations - if any - are clearly indicated, opinions are mine.
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