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Jun 17, 2016
Please do a drop for the PBT spacebars only! I would definitely purchase more of the spacebars, but I do not need more Topre-switch keyboards. It would be particularly good to offer a spacebar-only drop with choices for the colors. For example, I could use several PBT spacebars in black, but I do not need other colors. Thanks for considering this.
HypersphereIt's beyond insulting they yet AGAIN have relaunched this board with the PBT spacebars yet have not launched the spacebars again by themselves which have a HUGE demand for them. At this point i got a great deal on mine but i think it's shit how they are ignoring their customer base on this with their collective heads up their asses. Seriously Massdrop do you even care about what your customers ask for anymore?
Jun 17, 2016
LiquidEvilGamingDid you even dare to read the comment by @YanboWu one page back. Get in contact with Matt3o and make it happen/better or even better open up a business and get rich trying to please everybody all the time.
You may even have a point, but the words you've choosen to insult the staff really makes me wonder, who do you think you are and what you're still doing here, go back to geekhack and be toxic there if you want to.
MakamiDid you even read the fact i already have mine?
I'm sorry but if massdrop is sitting on enough of these they can keep bundling them with topre boards 24-7 yet refuse to relaunch an item requested heavily for quite some time now it's clear and obvious they do not give a rats ass about their customer base. That's not insulting that's reality my friend. If it's "Toxic" to question why MD has enough of these space bars sitting around to offer them with Topre boards constantly...yet somehow NOT enough to offer a drop on them? If not at least with a limited amount of units. Also i'm well aware of the discussion about the future iv'e asked matt3o about this directly. That has nothing to do with the fact MD seems to be sitting on a pile of these and has been for awhile yet refuses to sell them any other way but a forced purchase with a Topre board.
Don't pee on me and tell me it's raining.
P.S would you like a shield to borrow for your white knight outfit? Seriously though MD and it's staff can defend themselves quite well should they choose to do so. It's a fairly hard position to defend though given the mount of requests on the original drop how often they have sold these after the fact but only if you buy a $200+ Keyboard with it. I'm hardly alone in my feeling on this topic and while i may be more animated about it i find it comical you find that "toxic"
Jun 18, 2016
LiquidEvilGamingOf course i've read that, does it make any difference in regards of insulting. I even dared to read/stumbled upon threads you've made at geekhack and a whole bunch of your comments here, some good ones, and some like, hhkb is overpriced, later it's the holy grail, few weeks later you're not sure anymore and so on.
I take that shield and i've no problem to be a white knight for people i'm befriended with and know for sure that they care out of personal conversation and experience. Your sense of reality is somehow shifted, in my reality i'm not even close to be your friend.
MakamiI'm going to assume English is not your first language so sarcasm is a bit lost on the "friend" bit..But that's fine i can understand that. But no corporation needs it's customers to white knight for them that more or less is where we get the term fanboy from. Customers have every right to question a businesses decisions and decide to buy elsewhere should they not be happy with those decisions (Which in the case of the Spacebar i did in fact do). I'm sorry how somehow you see a company ignoring it's customers as me being toxic commenting on the fact they clearly do not care. Yet they seem all too happy to bundle said same product with a $200+ Keyboard though.
I still think the HHKB and any Topre board is overpriced but given they aren't as mainstream as Cherry based switches we both know that likely won't change soon.
P.P.S Peoples opinions are allowed to evolve and change over time, if they didn't we would have a lot of ignorant people in the world.
We are definitely not going to change each others minds on this and that's fine not everyone is EVER going to agree on everything. I do however find it sad you think it's "toxic" for a customer to question a companies caring about what it's customer base wants. Especially when it's customers have made it VERY loud and clear and said company continues to throw said product in it's customers faces along side a $200+ keyboard several already have or have variants there of (87u55G/HHKB/etc). Heavens forbid we lowly peasants the customers question the company who survives due to our patronage.
But whatever to each their own, even though you think i'm "toxic" i wish you a good night just the same.
Jun 18, 2016
one last answer before i've got to go to bed, 4 o'clock in the morning at my side of the world. First, it's bad style to edit comments after you've gotten an answer without "showing" that, someone smart like you should know that, but maybe that's your nature/kind of reality.
Of course the staff could answer/defend themselves, but they're bond to a certain behaviour representing a company and can't answer the way they might like or your attitude isn't even worth to waste time on.
Your so called fanboy in me might be true to a certain amount, but MDs staff and their behaviour have earned that step by step over the last two years, threating me very well all the time, and i've criticised them very often, but i've seen them evolving and getting better and listening to their customers. There might be different point of views/reasons, we the customers being unhappy with something want it better right now instantly, but companywise changes take time and having another timeframe.
Like i said before, it's not about what you said, it's the style you've choosen. You're free to vote with your wallet, looking at the drops you've participated, you remind me of someone entering a diner, telling the folks they're cooking the wrong way and running their business wrong and order a glas of water and some plain bread.
There are two sides of the medal, you're free to buy what you like and MD is free to sell what they like at the time they like. People had been unhappy and rant that MD is the devil today and in a short while when the updated spacebars are going to drop MD is fine again.
Like you said, to each his own opinion, if you want to keep on going, you've to wait for an answer till tomorrow.
Jun 18, 2016
MakamiMost complainers are just kids and they have never run a business in their lives.
If you are running a business then your number one goal is to try and get the right stuff at certain times, that's allowable. Also fighting to get those orders through to suppliers and making sure they can actually supply it in time to your projects that are being run.
The amount of times we were waiting for gear ordered last year but not receiving anything, is really harsh but it happens in business. If people want everything to be available for them at the times they like, then please move on over to that Fantasy World as soon as possible.
Also for the complaint about only supplying Realforce Keyboards here, I don't consider that a failed effort because these items need to be bought and distributed here on MD very often. Supplying the extra Space Bars as a bundle, helps to incentivise the buying public into acquiring Realforce Keyboards. Hence the actual Realforce Manufacturer soon hears that their product is selling on the other side of this planet in decent numbers. So NO I don't only want PBT space bars being sold here BUT also the very latest REALFORCE keyboards as well.
Have never thought that Japanese Made Keyboards were ever substandard or diminished in the world of Keyboards and they should be sold more often here on MassDrop because believe it or not the shipping cost to my abode here, is quite cheap compared to buying anything off Elitekeyboard's Website.
ElrickYour number one goal in any business is customer satisfaction...without customers you have no business. Without more customers to grow you stay stagnant in the market. Businesses without customers are nothing this was true 100 years ago this is true now. Ignoring your customers wants and needs is bad for any business.
P.S Nice attempt at the slight and while i wish i were a kid again sadly i'm 35 and actually run a scratch bakery for a living.
P.P.S i never complained about them only supplying Realforce boards, (if that was referring to me) i was complaining they only sell the PBT spacebars bundled with Realforce boards as opposed to by themselves like well over 1500+ customers have requested thus far.
TLDR: Customers are your #1 priority in any business anyone who says otherwise has never run or managed a business in their life.
There is a reason Amazon has some of the highest rated customer service in the industry and is also one of if not the biggest player in the industry.
Jun 19, 2016
LiquidEvilGamingYou just answered your own question here WHY don't you go to Amazon and vent your spleen there instead?
For most overseas customers, we still prefer MassDrop and I have all the time in the World, unlike you of course because your incessant crying about the PBT spacebars, is becoming quite frankly boring and morose.
Either you live up to your age group and become adult about this or keep on crying and posting childish comments on how you haven't gotten what you wanted. Maybe this might have to do with your own issues relating to past events in your life but at this point, I couldn't care less about you in any way, shape or form.
Now since you obviously hate MD for your own reasons then you should be at home on Amazon where they still allow childish tantrums to be displayed quite freely, adios sunshine ; )
ElrickLOL really are about as intelligent as your icon picture would suggest.
Firstly I have no need to vent to Amazon as with most people largely their customers are satisfied which is why they are so large.
Secondly the overseas customers i would be willing to bet makeup a fairly small share of MD's profits compared to US based customers. P.S there is an entire thread on the oh...i don't know PBT Topre massdrop page of people also ""crying"" about the same thing for a reason. For the record were you literate you would see i posted above i already have mine i just find it shitty MD ignores their customers like this.
I live up to my group? Meanwhile you pretend to know someones life events over the internet?! LOL...Holy hell i am GLAD you do not live in the US as by the sounds of it you would be yet another one living off the system i would have to support from my tax dollars. You don't care about me yet to take the time to respond none the same? Bit ironic no?
I don't hate MD i just find it anti consumer they ignore their customers oh so often with something oh so easy to fix since they obviously have existing stock in hand right now.
But people like who who defend corporations at every whim and every corner for no good reason the internet has a term for people like you..often used for the Diehard Console fanboys but with you it fits fairly well also "Corporate Slave"
Nice to know it's a tantrum asking the same thing several others half just re iterating the point on their behalf seeing as i have no horse in this race owning one already for my HHKB. But by all means continue to put your lips on Massdrops Nether Regions.
Makami i may disagree with but at least he/she is worth responding to, you on the other hand literally are the very definition of an internet troll offering NOTHING useful to the discussion.
Meanwhile chances are because i am a tax paying adult with a life a wife and a career i likely own more keyboards than you do pairs of shoes .
"and I have all the time in the World" Generally those with no life do.
You are not even worth the wear on my HHKB for a further response after this one. Please leave this hobby and leave it to those of us who care about it and can afford it enough to not whine about shipping 24-7.
@Elrickk @LiquidEvilGaming Let's get the discussion back on track, i.e. relevant to the drop, and stop on the name calling.
Edit: Elrickk, I am deleting your post because it is filled with ad hominem verbiage.
LiquidEvilGaming@LiquidEvilGaming I understand the sentiment you are expressing in the discussion here and we'll address it in the Topre PBT Spacebar drop discussion on Monday. However, I'd appreciate you not derailing this discussion any further.
Jun 19, 2016
kunalkumarNo probs, since this person doesn't even deserve attention to begin with.
Of course congrats to providing an all PBT drop on Monday, shall be there to buy lots and hopefully that [moderated] can stop crying about not getting any more PBT Space Bars here on MassDrop ; )
ElrickI want to clarify that we are not opening the drop on Monday. The update on Monday will be on what it takes for a drop like the PBT spacebars to go up and whatever details we have for the next drop.
Jun 19, 2016
kunalkumarA Discussion, so the actual GB is going to happen within a month or so?
Just trying to loosen a thread of hope for all the PBT Space Bar addicts here on MD.
LiquidEvilGamingHeyo. Dropping in with the details here since this was before Yanbo got here and brought some sanity to the organisation of these drops.
@LiquidEvilGaming We can run these drops with the spacebars because we bought a small amount in the first drop to continue doing this type of bundle. We wanted to get more Topre boards out into the community so that we can get more cool community projects going and these spacebars are part of how we can work with Topre. We simply do not have enough to run a major drop like last time, but we do have enough to send out with a handful of Topre boards here and there.
That said, matt3o is working on some new colors and further perfecting the existing ones. As soon as everything is worked out on both ends we can start up a drop again.
AlexPkThis is the most information i have seen posted by anyone from MD about this since the last drop actually occurred and i'm sure several appreciate an actual response myself included. It's not an actual drop yet :p But at least it's some solid information for those whom do not have one yet. That said i think this post would also be well suited on the actual PBT Topre Spacebar drop for people to read.
Jun 22, 2016
LiquidEvilGamingWell this section is for the people wanting to purchase the Topre Silenced 104U With PBT Spacebars.
Hence why don't you go back into the PBT Topre Spacebar section and cry about it there? We here, in this area want the whole keyboard sunshine and we don't see the need to constantly bash MassDrop to run another Group Buy on Spacebars. We have already participated in the 1st running, hence we are still enjoying the proceeds from it ; )
As always, if you don't participate in their Group Buys you have no reason to demand anything from them. Besides Realforce always makes the better keyboard. Just glad that MD is still running these buys and getting ever more PBT Space Bars. It's embarrassing to own so many. Might have to let go some on Ebay later on, all thanks to this place right here.
When you're patient you get everything, that is the key to Life. You should know that by now ; )
Jun 22, 2016
ElrickPeople might be asking for a drop that includes only PBT spacebars in this thread because it is current. They might think that new posts on the inactive PBT spacebar drop thread would not receive as much attention. I hope that people (including me) who would like to see a spacebar-only drop are not demanding or crying but simply requesting. If customers do not indicate which products they would like to see in future drops, Massdrop would be less likely to offer them spontaneously. Patience is indeed a virtue, but as John Maynard Keynes famously said, "In the long run, we're all dead." ;)
Jun 22, 2016
ElrickI can't tell if you're purposely shitposting or not.
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