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Hi, everybody! Thank you all for being such ardent fans and buyers of Vargo products. We really enjoy the special relationship we have with the community here. Offering our products to you is actually a lot of fun for us. We're always blown away by how excited you all are to get our products.
Unfortunately, this time, it looks like we've let you down. And for that, we are incredibly sorry. You took a chance and put your faith in our product and it failed you, us, and the awesome folks at Massdrop. However, were working hard to regain your trust and to make things right. It's just how we roll.
To that end, we're 1. trying to figure out why these BOTs are rusting in the first place (we're using a high grade stainless steel that...well...shouldn't rust) and how to stop it and 2. working with Massdrop right now to determine how we can best remedy the situation with you all who got faulty BOTs.
Again, we are incredibly sorry about the rusting BOTs (this sorta thing just ain't us) and we will make it right (this is definitely us). Stay tuned!
Jul 21, 2015
VargoOutdoorsPlease let me know when you've determined how to remedy the situation.
Thank you.
Aug 4, 2015
VargoOutdoorsJust got back from a three day through hike on the Ice Age Trail where I used the BOTs as water bottles, mugs and cook pots. Saw this thread, checked my BOTs and they are rusting. Mainly inside the lids. After scarcely more than a month of use!!
By way of comparison, I have a 7 year old Zebra pot, 5 year old GSI Glacier kettle and numerous other pieces of stainless steel cookware far older than those. So I am well aware and very experienced at caring for SS cookware in the field. Have never had an issue with rust. Until the BOT. :-(
Aug 7, 2015
DuxDawgHey, definitely contact Massdrop, they'll put you in contact with Vargo and they'll settle this for you. I had two rusty BOTs, they're replacing both of them for me, no worries, no fuss.
Good news is the rust is harmless, and if you're a vegetarian it can be a good source of more iron in your diet.
Take care and good luck!
Aug 7, 2015
SquidSauceI contacted Massdrop, sent pics of the rust and they emailed that they will take care of me. :-D --------------------- Edited to add Vargo emailed they are shipping replacement BOTs to me. Hooray for Vargo and Massdrop for standing behind their products!!