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Showing 1 of 103 conversations about:
Apr 28, 2017
I was so excited to see a white monitor on MD. Shame it's for AMD cards.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
AstuteTunaIt's not card specific, FreeSync just won't work on a Nvidia card. I would recommend foregoing the GSync. I ponied up for the PG348Q and though it's an awesome monitor and I love it, I can't tell a difference when Gsync is on for the life of me. This is less than half the price for otherwise identical specs.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
TelFiRENot saying this isn't a good value but I strongly disagree with the position that Gsync isn't a worthwhile feature. I play a lot of first person games, pushing my hardware to the limit where the FPS dips below 100 regularly and without Gsync I get constant tearing. With it on however, it's seamless and I don't even notice the drops without the FPS counter on.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
TelFiREAgree. Gsync = ePeen for people that live with their parents and can throw 2X $$ around for their gaming gear.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
RochambeauxNot what I was getting at at all. Sounds like pure jealousy on your end.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
TelFiREEven if that's case, it seems suboptimal to pay a premium for Freesync when I can't use it.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
FR-ShaneI don't have any personal experience with Gsync, but I am curious.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
AstuteTuna If you can find one cheaper than this without Freesync, go for it. But Freesync often doesn't command much of a premium and afaik this is a pretty good price for this resolution and hz even without freesync.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
TelFiREI want to buy in but I've already dropped like $800 on other drops in the past two weeks.
MD needs to space out drops for things I want. 😂
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
AstuteTunaI know how you feel! I'm in for 2 different keyboards and 1 I know I want soon, plus expensive keycap sets, and a bunch of artisans, it's getting crazy :P
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 28, 2017
AstuteTunaIn the review done by Linus he test this monitor and it runs perfectly fine at 100hz on a NVidia GTX 1080.
Apr 28, 2017
Apr 29, 2017
AstuteTunawell, you gotta look at it at your own configuration. If you have a really good video card as mention before. A gtx 1080 or 1070 won't really need much gsync, as they can perform pretty well on most games. Sometimes monitors have adaptive syncing or games have their own sync method which it can be decent enough to make those cards run pretty smooth. The gsync helps a bit more on cards running overclock or that are running to hard for their specifications, so gsync allow for less tearing when theres a tons of things going at once in the screen. However, you might not even be able to run at max settings if you don't have a gtx 1080 or 1070, as you will be facing higher resolution and it will push your fps lower, so you might still have to drop a few settings down and it will ultimately be less noticeable tearing when you turn some stuff off (like water, shadows, rendering, etc..)
Apr 29, 2017
Apr 29, 2017
^ it's a good article to read before buying korean monitors, but overall idea.. its companies like samsung that overproduce their panels, so they sell their stock to companies willing to pay a decent amount to resell (rebranding). Some people argue this models might be cheaper or defective models, but it's hard to prove this. Overall, there's not a perfect manufactur, there will always be a chance for error. The freesync feature is mostly added cause they can charge you whether you use it or not, as they still make more profit for adding it than to sell it cheaper, as it is already cheaper than similar versions or an IPS model or gsync version. I already stated the main idea behind adding this type of features. The model is good if your looking for a gaming monitor that won't break your bank, but you could save for a few extra months and get a version of a more conventional company at a later point. It's all up to you :P You could stop at your local best buy and compare gsync, sometimes they have monitors on display to see the difference, but you gotta check the specifications.
Apr 29, 2017
Apr 29, 2017
KedgeNo no no no no no no.... A 1070 will barely break 30fps at this resolution. A 1080 Ti will usually keep you over 60, but definitely not consistently 100. No card (or combination of cards) exists that will maintain 100fps at this resolution in modern games. You have given absolutely wrong information with regard to performance. Your information could potentially be meaningful to someone considering a 1080 monitor, but definitely not 1440 ultrawide.
Apr 29, 2017
Apr 29, 2017
TelFiREI never said fps will be high. 4k will always drop fps.
Apr 29, 2017
Apr 29, 2017
KedgeThat's exactly what you said, though. Also, not 4k. At all.
You said: "A gtx 1080 or 1070 won't really need much gsync, as they can perform pretty well on most games."
That's not correct. A 1070 would actually struggle to maintain even 20 FPS at this resolution on many games. And the time you need GSync is when you are not maintaining a FPS of at least your monitor's refresh rate. So your entire comment was 100% predicated on the idea that a 1070 can push 100fps in games at 1440 ultrawide. Otherwise it makes no sense. Which it doesn't.
No one who has a 1070 should even consider this monitor before upgrading their GPU unless you only play games with low requirements (in which case you still probably want to look at something with a higher refresh rate).
Apr 29, 2017
May 1, 2017
TelFiREIve been building and gaming on PCs for over 20 years. Gsync was the single most impactful upgrade I have ever done to my machines. I won't speak to Freesync vs Gsync. However to say you can't notice if Gsync is on or not? I don't think you are a monitor or gaming enthusiast.
To be clear I'm not saying that as a negative thing. Some people use cheap headphones their entire lives and are perfectly happy. But they aren't audiophiles.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
KedgeGsync also cuts down on I put latency as well. It's just just about FPS
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
dgtltxI spent $1300 on one of my monitors, and use them for more than half the day. I'm way more enthused than you. You don't get to dictate what aspects I'm enthused about, asshole. Resolution and color mean much much more to me. I expected a lot from GSync because of big talkers like you who say ridiculously absurd things about it like you just did, but I found out the reality is it's just people trying to justify their purchases. Side by side, it's just not even easily noticeable when you try hard if you're being honest. Your statement can only possibly be true if you've never upgraded your GPU before, in which case you are the one who lacks enthusiasm sir.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
TelFiRENot trying to upset you.
If picture and color mean more to you that I can understand. Gaming monitors normally make sacrifces there.
Gsync and Freesync are for hardcore FPS/Reflex based games. So when I say enthusiast with regards to this monitor that is the "enthusiast" I am referring too.
If you want to say you are a hardcore FPS player and you still don't notice the difference I think you are probably configuring your monitor wrong or you just aren't sensitive enough to notice. Because there's simply no way there isn't a difference.
The difference has been measured and it exists you just would either have a monitor with a nicer picture which is fine as well. Everyone has their preference.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
dgtltxOkay, you just completely fell off the rails. If people are that into shooters, they aren't even considering this monitor. 100hz isn't anywhere close to enough.
High FPS and making sure that FPS is synced with the monitor is important for FPS games because you can see people coming around corners faster. Instead of them being a few feet out first time they pop in frame, you see them almost right away when they turn the corner. It still doesn't "feel" like an upgrade, it looks and feels exactly the same. You just see them slightly sooner, which is obviously an advantage.
But only the best of the best in one particular niche of gaming will notice or care. That doesn't justify outlandish statements like "biggest upgrade I ever made" (which is repeated by so many GSync users, and just a pure lie unless your only metric is competitive advantage, which doesn't matter to most)
I maintain that this type of product doesn't need GSync for most. People who care about GSync will care more about getting a lot more than 100hz. If you want to pay me $800 and this monitor, you can have mine that has Gsync because I don't think it was a good deal.
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
TelFiRE" Okay, you just completely fell off the rails. If people are that into shooters, they aren't even considering this monitor. 100hz isn't anywhere close to enough. "
I agree with you there. But I was only talking about Gsync with you, something this monitor doesn't have. So why would you think the discussion was about this monitor at all?
" High FPS and making sure that FPS is synced with the monitor is important for FPS games because you can see people coming around corners faster. Instead of them being a few feet out first time they pop in frame, you see them almost right away when they turn the corner. It still doesn't "feel" like an upgrade, it looks and feels exactly the same. You just see them slightly sooner, which is obviously an advantage. "
Having high FPS doesn't determine if you see people before they come around corners first or not. That has much more to do with latency and how you are handling your pre-rendered frame variables on your GPU settings. Also another thing Gsync does is cuts down on input latency which also helps you more, this is something you are forgetting.
I'm not sure why you keep saying "Niche" or this isn't a product that would benefit "most" that's exactly my point from the start and why I said you're not an Enthusiast originally. Maybe I should have specified FPS/Twitch gaming Enthusiast but I thought it was clear who this monitor was marketed towards.
Look you can be a "Car Enthusiast" and drive around a beautiful Cadillac with an amazingly nice interior and smooth ride. But another "Car Enthusiast" might really love speed and want to get a GT-R. You'll sit in that guys GT-R and say "I don't notice the difference my car is just as nice" but they are two totally different cars.
This Monitor, Gsync, and Freesync, are not for you. You want a beautiful picture and nice colors. I'll take the GT-R and you can have the Caddy and we can all just get along :)
May 1, 2017
May 7, 2017
dgtltxgsync increase input lag, as does free sync, v-sync, and triple buffering
May 7, 2017
May 8, 2017
ResistImpulseUnless I'm mistaken unless you probably have not configured your game settings or your 3d settings properly. G-Sync either is exactly the same or reduces latency. It will never increase input lag as you claim.
nVidia even included an update to correct the the problem of introduced input lag when you exceed your monitors current refresh rate.\
" For enthusiasts, we’ve included a new advanced control option that enables G-SYNC to be disabled when the frame rate of a game exceeds the maximum refresh rate of the G-SYNC monitor. For instance, if your frame rate can reach 250 on a 144Hz monitor, the new option will disable G-SYNC once you exceed 144 frames per second. Doing so will disable G-SYNCs goodness and reintroduce tearing, which G-SYNC eliminates, but it will improve input latency ever so slightly in games that require lighting fast reactions. "
If you have evidence to the contrary feel free to present it.
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
dgtltxyes I do have evidence. I believe it is the following video but this guy does a lot and they overlap so forgive me as I dont have time right now to watch the video and double check this is the right one:
May 8, 2017
May 28, 2017
ResistImpulseHey I've been busy just got around to watching this now.
At around 4:20 he says "Sadly I do not own the required hardware to provide input lag for either of these technologies."
This must be the wrong video because he's just going off what other people say.
May 28, 2017
Jun 7, 2017
dgtltxI do not think you watched the video in full. He conducts his own tests regarding different options and fully explains how the systems work and why they have certain benefits and certain costs.
Jun 7, 2017
Jun 11, 2017
ResistImpulseI didn't watch the video because how can he test things when he doesn't have any of the appropriate hardware? Its all just theory at that point no?
Jun 11, 2017
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