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Oct 15, 2018
I’d present the Massdrop production of the standard HD800 headphone over the HD700. The HD700 is nice headphone, but the HD800 series would sell (and perform) far better. I own both.
BobosoThis is something I've thought about extensively as well. As montaur alludes to in his comment though, I don't think Sennheiser has much business incentive to make a Massdrop version of what is basically still their open flagship, something that people still strive to attain regularly. As it's also handmade, I don't see much reason for them to cut corners on a TOTL product. As much as everyone including me would like a cheaper HD8xx series headphone, it just doesn't make sense business-wise.
The HD700 would benefit much more from the Massdrop treatment, I feel, given how relatively neglected it is compared to both the 600 and 800 family.
Oct 15, 2018
VinceTheStampede624Good point. I bought my HD800 for $900 new from musicdirect. I believe they are only carrying the 800S model now, and not the straight 800. Not sure if the base 800 will be staying on the purchase menu or not.
BobosoI believe they are retiring the HD 800 model, and relegating the HD 650 to ”Pro” musician’s equipment channels rather than continuing to sell it as a consumer product (though no doubt it will still be sold at many common retailers).
Oct 16, 2018
EvshrugThen this would follow the aging market path if they are retiring the HD800, as with the HD6XX, that Sennheiser could/would collaborate with MD to release an HD8XX...? So... Watson,, it's already underway...
rastusNot exactly... with the HD 6XX, Sennheiser started a whole new production of parts. I think @VinceTheStampede624 has it right, they have no business incentive to release a Massdrop discount HD 800, and it would devalue the brand. As you can see from my profile picture, I have (and love) my HD 800, but with it’s market price dropping they probably don’t see profit in continuing to produce it alongside the HD 800 S and HD 820. I wouldn’t be surprised if the HD 6XX was discontinued too, in favor of the HD 58X Jubilee.
Another HD 700 drop, like they had once in the past, is a possibility though. I really liked it with the Dekoni pads, which increase the upper mids for a more even sound signature!
Oct 17, 2018
EvshrugI was going back and forth last night between my HD580 - HD700 - Phonon SMB-02 & Elex, no mods anywhere on the cans, with an actual 11.2 DSD studio recording from Blue Coast; Recorded in DSD256 and mixed through analog console to DSD256:
I have a respect & fondness for the 580, the 700 was my first $$ set,, and did well here, the spaciousness... The Phonons, my hotel room closed travel cans, have a precise clarity that still pleases,,, but the Elex recomposes it to naturalness, and puts me in that recording studio...
So unless they put an MD7XX at a price point that is simply irresistible,, I just don’t see it... the middle child syndrome... the stigma is strong here...
I have only heard the 800S once in a noisy store,, and wanted to leave with them, but had the Elex on order, a gamble that paid off well.
Nearly everyone wants an 800 in their can harem, but that bubbly needs to drop a shelf... Sennheiser is missing an affordable <$1K price market many have self-imposed, consciously or not. They did the ‘S’ fix, now the closed, but I don’t think they like the numbers. An 8XX can cash in on the legacy, while maintaining the legacy, keep the ‘S’ & 820. They should focus on the next generation MEMS technology, imho.
rastusMEMS? I don’t know what that is, or at least how it relates to headphones (
The HD 660 S and HD 700 are carry the flag of Sennheiser’s best <$1,000 headphones. In my opinion, the HD 660 S sounds like it sits right in the middle between the HD 800 and HD 650, with an objectively more full-bodied timbre than the HD 700.
”Cashing in on the HD 800 legacy” would be a permanently damaging deal for Sennheiser. It’s still a higher performing headphone than a Focal Elear or Elex, though it has a different flavor. Improving on the HD 700 or HD 630VB is still a possibility, to replace the current models.
Oct 17, 2018
EvshrugI hear what you are saying,, but what are the sales numbers for the 800 "flagship" nowadays year-to-year... flagship status is great, euros fill the coffer. The real Godlike flagship is the one that some have climbed the mountain to hear, then returned speaking of Nirvana, but who actually owns a pair? The Orpheus... Very interesting is that MD had looked into a collaboration with Senn on a grafted electrostatic version, at a more mere mortal price point,, and then,, - if it comes to fruition - the future for the 800...?
The 630VB, I have never heard, never seen in a store, liked the concept, seems like a DOA due to high price; beaten by too many cheaper alternatives in the bass heavy department. Used on eBay ~$140...
MEMS as audio transducers, is a very interesting technology for cans beyond electrostatics etc., as well as many other markets that are being focused on now. Phased array capability... damn... true acoustic holography... an old post fyi:
Dec 20, 2018
VinceTheStampede624That’s kind of like the hifiman edition xx instead of the hifiman he-1xxx. It would dethrown the crown jewel.
rastusI’ve heard Sennheiser has sold every Orpheus they make (takes a long time to make them), and have a waitlist. I don’t know what the sales numbers are on the HD 800. I just know that there is still strong demand, but many people publicly say they wouldn’t buy the improved model for more money, because the perception is that they don’t sound different (or the DuPont mod makes them sound the same, which is a bit optimistic). The same perception would happen for a sub-$1000 HD 8xx. The demand would remain the same, Sennheiser would just be competing with itself, which is never a good economic position. There currently is not much demand for an HD 700, but an improved HD 7xx might be able to compete with the HiFiman Edition X(X), so that model is ripe for a special edition.
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