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Sep 15, 2017
"Based on their actions so far, it seems like Input Club will likely respond, attempting to continue this discussion in a public setting. We have no interest in engaging further - this has taken up a meaningful amount of time and we’d prefer to spend our efforts working with our other community members and helping them bring their products to market. "
So much absurdity in this paragraph that I just have to make a second comment. First off, IC has been very cordial in their communications so far, explaining the situation from their perspective. They have to say something, people want to know what the hell is going on with the switches. The fact that you just expect them to stay completely silent is ABSURD, but completely typical. You guys HATE communicating lately, and you only do it as a last resort.
And if this is taking up time that's your fault! Why do you have employees at a for-profit company focusing on forum drama?! That is PATHETIC.
No wonder you have dropped the ball on every recent drop. No wonder you don't even communicate until a week past the original ship date. No wonder you are nowhere to be found for people asking questions in every single drop. No wonder you STILL haven't updated your pictures for drops that you re-run repeatedly, even after being contacted MULTIPLE TIMES about blatant inaccuracies!!!
Your entire staff is sitting around trying to defend their actions (and lack thereof) on forums instead of DOING THE DAMN WORK.
Sep 15, 2017
TelFiREI'm not defending MD in any way, but disagreements between companies isn't uncommon. And there's a way to notify your customers that there will be issues sourcing particular parts without overtly throwing a partnering business under the bus. Nobody is suggesting that I:C should have stayed silent, but they also shouldn't have released a juvenile response as they did.
Sep 15, 2017
AverySegawIC's communications weren't juvenile, they were honest attempts to communicate the situation. They didn't throw MD under the bus at all, they were clearly being a lot nicer than the situation warranted. This post is pretty obviously what turned this all into a shitshow. This is pure drama, there isn't any good reason for MD to have put this out. It doesn't solve anything. The communications from IC were actually needed, since MD never tells their customers anything about what's going on once they have our money. We as customers have a right to know what's going on with these switches as it affects purchases already made.
Sep 16, 2017
TelFiREThe double standards hurt my brain. It's fine if you want to back I:C despite not knowing the facts but at least make the arguments coherent.
Sep 16, 2017
AverySegawMy argument is completely cogent. If you're having trouble with part of it, be specific. There is no double standard, it's just clear that MD's communication was malicious and had no positive intent, and it is even more clear that IC's communications were a very regretful tone and served the obviously necessary purpose of informing people who had put hundreds of dollars into this drop about what was actually happening with the product. People deserve to have that information, and Massdrop is even telling us outright they wanted to keep it secret. That's not okay. That money MD is complaining about putting in isn't actually their money, it's ours! We deserve to know what's going on! Where is the disconnect for you?
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