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Mar 12, 2018
Thank you, Jonas, for drawing my attention to this petition. I did sign it and will be making sure that my friends do to. I spend thousands of dollars each year importing knives and ninety percent of this is from American makers and vendors. I have a very large order coming from Florida and they are sending it split into six or seven packages just to decrease the odds of the entire order being intercepted. Crazy, isn’t it? Tightening all pivots so they don’t move. Taking bearings out to mail separately so blades can be tightened down and not move. Shipping packages as ‘camping tools’ etc. so they don’t create any attention... Where does it end? They’ll make liars out of us all just to avoid their stupid interpretations. We are supposed to have ‘Free Trade” and it’s a benefit to both sides of our border. (If anybody thinks not, ask the 23 states who list Canada as their biggest international trading partner.) I know it may not seem connected but all of us need to be aware of how much more we benefit from freedom versus bureaucracy and protectionism. Did I just lecture Americans on freedom? Yikes! I just mean that we should strongly look at everything that threatens any freedom. I will be taking my fight to my own government. Imagine bureaucrats making decisions without looking for proper and fair input from The People. Thanks again, Jonas.
Mar 12, 2018
AxeguyYW, thanks for posting your experience and how other folks are responding to the changes.
Mar 22, 2018
AxeguyI always marked knives as camping equipment, outdoor hear, sometimes 'victorinox camping gear', I just figured it was polite to use generic descriptions of the contents rather than list '3.7" ball bearing flipper knife by Real Steel' out what have you.
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