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What to do to build a (better) community at all?

Being a member of the MD community for two years now, I would like to hear your ideas what could/should be done, or better not, to make this place a kind of home for everybody, no matter being a veteran or newbie.

This is the internet, who cares to behave like in real life, you don't know me and I don't know you.
I'm not perfect either, just like all of us, sometimes to short tempered, my fingers typing faster than my brain analyzing, should I write that.
I like free speech and that there is hardly any censoring by mods, but honestly, sometimes I wish some people would get a little reminder, not in public, to calm down a bit like:

Hi buddy, maybe you've had a bad day, we like that you're here, but calm down a bit, please.
We're all human beings here, with feelings that can be hurt.

Of course, hardly anyone would agree to be hurt, we're all though cookies here, aren't we :)

What about volunteers of different languages to help out others if they've questions being "discussed" in their natural language. Many people think, english language should be given, but it aint so for a lot of nice people out there.

I like to hear your thoughts about this topic!

Never forget, all of us being noobs in one way or the other,
even though we like to forget :)

May 26, 2016
I know that this might not be applicable to the mechanical keyboards community, but I think massdrop need a better system to decide on postage for international orders. This is a problem i see most often in the everday carry community especially with something like a small torch having like $25 postage to the UK, however i could if i wanted get something like a foldable knife for as little as like $6.00 postage even if said knife is like 5x the price of the torch. I have seen many drops like this with members complaining quite legitemetly about pricing of postage where the system has selected the wrong level of postage, i think some requiring signitures or something makes the price like 4x as expensive. For something that is fairly expensive like over $100 i think there ought to be an option to request tracking/signiture if required and that would then increase the price accordingly, however for those that want to only cobver the cost of the postage and that don't want the tracking/signiture can then have cheaper shipping.
May 25, 2016
Most key cap drops are already planned ahead so If we could see like the planned drops we could start saving and get ones we really like.
May 25, 2016
Yeah couldn't agree more there needs to be a separation in the discussion section of each drop for different languages since it would benefit everyone really or if not I use this API for when I'm developing apps that is really good for translating and can be implemented quite easily which I think would be a good feature. No clue what that has to do with a better community tho :P lol
May 25, 2016
SweatylionI'm not a fan of fragmenting the discussions here. After all, Massdrop is an American company focused on the US market, international buyers are welcome but not essential. I remember the time when international knife shipping was suspended and knife drops all went just fine ...
One thing I am a fan of would be regional fulfillment centers for international orders. Create an EU branch of Massdrop and fulfill all EU orders from there offering tax/customs free shipping within the EU. Once you've got that set up, non-English speaking people are in the focus of Massdrop and setting up multi language discussions made a lot more sense.
May 21, 2016
Community moderating is a double-edged sword which can often be subject to mob mentality and group think. There are probably enough positives there to warrant adding a feature that can sink irrelevant or factually inaccurate comments, but you will also see a lot of top comments that are humor or jabs at Massdrop rather than helpful information about a product. Perhaps moderators can have a tagging system where they can label a post as humorous or off-topic so it goes to the bottom of the "top comments" pile, this way the first comment people always see will be insightful answers to questions about products or pricing. That's the one thing I feel the comment section lacks right now is a way to sort comments.
Additionally perhaps you guys can find a way to add an answered questions section, especially for products that have had several runs and the same questions get asked every run. Even if it is only a list of questions answered directly by the Massdrop staff themselves to avoid confusion or wrong information.
Edit: Just saw Wodan's post. Basically, everything he said.
May 21, 2016
Nice post makami.
I would love to be able to sort posts be relevance in some drops.
What I would also love to see is a FAQ section for drops where the mod team moves questions commonly asked with their best answers.
"What are the keycaps on the keyboard?" "Which kits do I need for the ErgoDox?" "Does this kit support ISO?"
And for god's sake in EVERY GMK drop: "Why are these keycaps so expensive? I can get a house and a set of vortex doubleshots for that price in my country."
Whenever someone asks as question answered in the FAQ, their post can be moved from the discussion to the FAQ thread.
May 21, 2016
WodanHaha, I just made that long post below your comment only to see you basically suggested everything I did as well. I should learn to read before commenting.
May 20, 2016
Hmm well as it stands right now, we get poop emoticons for unwanted comments in some drops. Maybe X ammount of poops will autohide some comments?
As for other languages, I personally speak Tagalog (Filipino) but I argue that since this is primarily an English site, we should expect English as the main language spoken. Multilingual discussion should be the expection, not the rule.
Like if someone truly has trouble with English, they can self-flag their post with something like "Non-English speaker" or their native tongue, which will prompt other members to either help translate for them or at least, people will be more understanding of their grammar. But I can see having multiple languages used casually all around the forum be the cause of confusion and difficulty in moderating.
Having a separate board for other languages might be a good idea should the Talk area get enough traffic. But by this, I mean to separate languages in different boards, and I am not sure if this will end better than if we did not promote other languages at all.
May 20, 2016
ZALHERAThat sounds like a good idea to think about having the ability to flag posts in a certain way like that.
May 20, 2016
Being Spanish, I must say in my opinion an english standard communication is necessary for the system to work properly. For me talking to you daily in english have made me improve my english quite a lot, and also my scope is so broad now. So, only english for me... ;) (Anyway I should say I am quite radical as my KB is always ANSI and my MacOS is always in english also)
May 20, 2016
DanielFerrerI agree about english standard communication, and it wasn't my intention to have discussions set up to different languages.
Over time i've seen a few times questions asked in other languages and no one dared to help/answer. There might be a way to handle situations like that better, of course no one could/should be forced to help.
One thing I would like and love opinions on, is more community moderating tools. Even something as simple as a "Unhelpful" button and if enough people think the comment does not contribute to the discussion it will autohide the comment. If someone still wants to see what they said, they can expand it.
In that same vein, positive voting systems that have different identifiers. Helpful, Knowledgeable, Funny, etc. which would allow people to sort/find/view comments based on their ranking as such.
And anything nonenglish would be fine with me. I just need help with moderating at that point :)
May 27, 2016
May 27, 2016
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