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Drop is Dead

Wow, I cannot believe they have discontinued all the fun stuff like WATCHES, knives, and outdoor gear. I feel stupid now for bringing my many viewers over here. Drop what have you done?! -nutnfancy actual

Aug 22, 2022
Dude I still remember when they would sell weed stuff like vaporizers. I had gotten my Da Vinci Ascent from there and I still have it. Kind of understood why they stopped selling that stuff, but I am very disappointed that they are abandoning their other communities as well.
Feb 10, 2022
No joke. It's as if a pillar has crumbled from under the knife community. It was so beautiful. Damn shame.
May 11, 2021
75M$ in total funding. They have probably downsized their operations and restrategizing at this point.

Apr 6, 2021
WTH? All I get via email now are keyboards and keyboard related junk. Guess it's time to unsub from all.
Apr 6, 2021
I,ve been busy and not been on DROP for a couple of months. Was wondering why my community's consisted of a million keyboards and key caps, where were my watches and knives? Is this all that remains in DROP? Sad..
Apr 4, 2021
Yeah, I was wondering why all I was seeing was stuff from the audiophile and mechanical keyboard communities and nothing from the EDC, outdoor, knife, and watch communities. I thought it might have been a tech issue with my browser or account. I can see, now, that something is up with Drop. Yes, all the outdoor items, knives, watches, and EDC stuff made the shopping experience here fun and interesting. Now that it’s just audiophile and keyboard stuff, the shopping experiences is greatly diminished. There are only so many new items one can buy in those communities before reaching a saturation point. Makes me wonder if Drop will cease to exist soon. Too bad. It’s been a fun place to shop for me since 2014. Recently, there are so few things that seem worth buying.
Apr 3, 2021
I'm a long-time subscriber to your channel :) Are you going to snap up some of the Drop EDC collabs on their Amazon to review? 😎 Might be good to have a "get em while you can" video in homage to what MD was and what it gave the community (while it lasted).
Apr 2, 2021
Well Nut'n, it's been a slow steady decline ever since the name change (and the dumping of half their employees at the same time). Evidently the problems in Watches were two-fold; MD never hired a manager with specific watch history/experience, which in turn lead to sourcing and pricing problems. I assume something similar has happened to every one of the so-called Communities MD had established over the years and then DROPed--they were starved of the talent needed to manage them. Add to that scenario nervous investors worried about missed benchmarks and you have the perfect storm of a business on the rocks. What remains is the Chinese mid-fi Audio industry--a collection of manufacturers generally unable to establish a reliable foothold among mainstream US retailers (Bestbuy and to some extent Amazon for example), who inadvertently found a home, here on MD. Apparently some folks like headphones as much you like guns--go figure! Two things are bound to happen now:
  1. Another name change along with another site redesign and,
  2. Sale of what remains to another group of investors--probably at a loss to the primary investors.
Apr 3, 2021
RayFThe UX is a complete mess, but they could improve on SEO by re-branding to
Apr 4, 2021
ChrisPDX Not much left to search for--they're just a two-bull rodeo now.
Apr 2, 2021
Still seeing knives but now that your mention it, not seeing watches, probably offended some hand wringer with too small a wrist somewhere
Apr 2, 2021
i4plyThey're just clearing out old stock at this point
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