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Now Available!

Thanks to JoeLoony for starting this poll! We've contacted the vendor on your behalf and they've made the Dragon's Maze Booster Box available.

DavidDrop Buyer

Dragon's Maze Booster Box

Dragon's Maze Booster Box

Another drop just started for a box:
I'm new to this, how much cheaper can i get a box for in a group buy?
@salvador the drop for a Dragon Maze Booster Box is on right now (! you can potentially get a box for $89 + shipping. as it stands right now, only 38 more people need to join to make this happen. that means 162 people have already joined the drop!
With the lowest price being only 89.00 I think I'll wait till it's been out for a week or so and then try to run the groupbuy poll again
So for Dragon's maze, we were planning on running it last week, but it ended up that we only had access to about 50 pre-release boxes, with no ETA on boxes after 50. We decided not to run it (93/box) given that the very limited supply is not conducive to a group buy. (See early Magic Group buy discussions about slow shipping due to low/slow supply channels). Every week this stuff changes (both in quantity availability and in terms of price), and we keep an eye on it like a hawk. Dragon's Maze (and Modern Masters) is on the top of our list of things to get up and running. We're working hard for the community but polls and discussions like this keep us in the loop with what you guys want.
It doesn't officially release until Friday, so unless they can get a pre-order deal, it won't be until then.
How long does it usually take mass drop to get the buy going? I am wanting to purchase a few soon!
i've heard $40ish for 1 box but if you buy multiples it's only $20. something i'm very keen on as well also coming from australia
What is shipping like to the Aus region? had the box for $102 pre order
There are a lot of different prices around the net, we all might see different prices, ultimately its what Massdrop gets it for, but I know we all want this set! So lets get voting!
that $143 msrp sounds a bit like what it costs us aussie to buy booster boxes from stores so i'll all up for these massdrop deals where u can get them for much cheaper
The MSRP of a booster box of Dragon's maze is 143.64 USD. not 102? (Not that most folks ever pay that - I'm just saying that's what it actually is)
Then a large majority of the internet must be selling incredibly below MSRP.