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Been reading up on the drop, hope to see some good news soon. thanks guys
Update for the group!
While negotiating with Pelican we wanted to focus on bringing value to our community members and the market is very tight price wise but we did get to see some custom colors that looked very promising.
I just wanted you guys to know we are working towards being able to provide pelican across multiple communities and positive progress is being made.
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145 isn't bad, it's 15 cheaper than BH Photo. The thing is, B&H also offers free shipping. Seems kinda tight. You sure you can't lavish them with whores and ale to get another 20 off?
@ThatRussianSpaceMonkey ,
They are rock solid on the pricing but I have yet to try your strategy. I will let you know how it goes and keep you updated.
Photo by Redijedi808 on FC.
Beautiful! I left my 1600 on the other side of the nation. Otherwise, you'd be posting a different picture. ;)
That's exactly the idea though.
If anyone is buying this for a gopro, vote for a stabilizer here!
were almost at 200!!!! =)
Update for the group!
After meeting with Pelican case they are excited to start working with us on custom projects and we have scheduled another meeting next week to continue discussing the possibilities.
They wanted to know if our community had any ideas on custom applications for their boxes. I know @BostonBoston had a few and @ThatRussianSpaceMonkey shared pictures of an excellent Pelican combo traveler.
Anyone else with any creative ideas that pair Pelican with your favorite vaping products?
That's excellent!
It's easy for us to be selfish and just care about our opinions; Nobody ever seems to ask you JaySun, what do you have in mind?
any of the larger and small pelican cases for transportation of water pipes or cameras with pick and pluck foam included would be great! try to get us a good deal @ jaysun
we need 200 people lets get a drop !
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@JaySun any news or updates?
@BostonBoston ,
Pelican has pushed our meeting back until Monday but I will keep you informed.

I use a Pelican 1120 for traveling with my vapes. I also have a 1600 that is able to hold a variety of things including a 12" bong, 8" dab rig, a micro pelican 1060 of accessories, an Arizer Solo, grinder and containers. I use Pelicans over bong bags and other boxes. Always reliable. I'd love to see them on a drop, I can always use more.