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Heritor Jonas Automatic Watch

Heritor Jonas Automatic Watch

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Product Description
As is true with many Heritor watches, the Jonas automatic bares all. The dial design looks like a venn diagram of intersecting circles, each offering a peek at another aspect of the automatic movement inside Read More

Feb 8, 2021
Actually, I think the blue one would go nice with my scooter:
I look at it like this.... In 2020 I had two surgeries, one to take something out (gall bladder - no biggie) and the other to keep all the equipment God gave me by repairing the double hernia I gave myself by trying to clean up all trees after Michael (the hurricane) blew through. Surgeon blew that one and I still have at least one hernia in my sack, maybe two, I'll find out for sure in about two weeks weeks, but it doesn't really matter either way, because I'll never put myself through that kind of pain and swelling again anyway. So far in 2021, I've had one surgery to take a biopsy of the biggest nerve running down my leg from hip to ankle, the ankle being where they carved the nerve from. That was about two ago. Pain's not horrible but it is persistent, and seems like it's getting worse instead of better as the days go by. I'll find out tomorrow (Monday the 8th of Feb.), which just happens to be my birthday, and which seems to be continuing a trend that started on my 65th B'day last year when my wife found out she lost her job. It wasn't due to Covid, but Covid sure made it hard to find another job. So anyway, depending on what the biopsy results show, I may be due for another surgery. The problems with my legs (and feet to a lesser extent) is that I had nerve damage when I had five levels of my back fused in 2002. So, the point of all that was to say this; I can watch time pass by with a cheap ugly watch just as well as with an expensive, exquisitely beautiful watch. There really aren't that many watches (that I've seen) that go as well with my bike as the blue version of this Heritor does. 'Course, if it's gonna be a month or more a'fore it gets here there wouldn't be much point to buying it if I'm having more blood-letting on my legs, a'cause I doubt I'll be able to ride for quite awhile if that happens. But I been ridin' like a bat outta Hell for the last couple weeks, which might be one reason the incision ain't feelin' better by now, I don't know, ya think? There was a time a little less than a year ago when we thought we get homeless if either our ship or just a small row-boat didn't come in, but wifey got another job and we're doin' better'n fair now, but when it comes to spendin' money, a watch at this price might be the best B'day present my wife might be able to see her way clear to pay for this year. Truth be told, I don't know why I even need a watch. I freakin' hate time anymore. Speakin' of which, it's time to go take some pain pills now, so see y'all later! BlueTom
Feb 8, 2021
BlueTomBlueTom, in spite of everyone making snide comments about watches they don't like on Drop (yours truly included) I believe most watch owners will tell you to buy what you like. As someone who has received as a gift, or purchased for myself or others, somewhere North of 10 watches commorating major life events (graduations, marriage, anniversaries etc.) I can say each one is "special" if not particularly special. Enjoy your new watch!
Mar 1, 2021
BlueTomNice story and I wish yo all the best . I grabbed this one to match ,,,
This one ,, R/T Charger , Australian made .
Nice Harley by the way mate .
Feb 7, 2021
Don't pay human money for this, please. This is trash.
Mar 6, 2021
You know nothing ! look at a photo a judge ! people with this know it all attitude are the main problem in todays world ,,, says the worldly tower of knowledge with 19 posts ,,, ha ha ha ,, a joke right ? Andyou did NOT answer my simple question ,,, DO YOU OWN ONE ?
Mar 6, 2021
beanerds2Go away, or answer your question? 🙄 No, I don't own one, thank christ - because I'm a discerning consumer and if I'm buying a watch, I go quality, and I go mechanical - not some automatic-movement mushroom brand with fake RRPs. You think post count on a shopping website is a reflection of knowledge? Coming from the guy stuttering and yelling and generally making a fool of himself. Oof. Clearly not. I mean, if you care, just do some research next time. But you're clearly just looking for a pretty bracelet. And now, I'll go away - ya big child.
Feb 6, 2021
You can even pay it off with 4 easy payments of $25.. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
Feb 2, 2021
I like my invicta more! Yes it's an invicta! Yes I'll probably get crap for owning an invicta. That's alright though! It has the same movement, and looks great with a smaller case size of 42mm and I got it new for $80!

Jan 29, 2021
I have bought a 3 Glycine watches on here and for the price they were a good buy. I recently bought 3 Reign watches here. One to keep and two to sell, and the quality for $99 is good, and the time keeping is not bad either, two are running at 10 seconds gain a day. I own an IWC, a couple of Zeniths, a vintage longines and a vintage Universal Geneve. I am no watch snob though, if it looks good I will wear it. When one pays under $200 for a watch it is being a bit demanding to expect an inhouse Swiss movement
Jan 28, 2021
“The Torture Never Stops” —Frank Zappa
Jan 28, 2021

Jan 28, 2021
At least this cheap watch is priced right, but I agree that Drop needs to up its quality game, unless it's now a subsidiary of Aliexpress. If that's the case, carry on!
Jan 28, 2021
No snarky post from Ray yet? I'm disappointed. That aside, I kind of dig the skeleton design. I can see why people might not... but I do. I'm completely unfamiliar with this maker though.
Jan 29, 2021

So you're the one!
Jan 29, 2021
RayFI am! They do them alllllll for me.
Jan 28, 2021
I guess you can't expect much from an inexpensive watch, but if you are a fan of this design then similar watches can be found on Ali or eBay for lower prices.
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