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Oct 26, 2015
Can we get some feedback and more customer photos from the previous drop?
Oct 27, 2015
AdrienYeah I've just set them up on my Filco and my, they are majestic as f to look at ;)

I'm one of those who have no qualms about sanding the edge for my costar stabilisers to clear, and all had to be sanded except my right Shift key; some more, some less.

The set came in the blue flat piece of plastic MD uses to display keycaps, which were a pain to get the keys out of (I think I actually like keys in plastic baggies :X) but were pretty well packed. There weren't any obvious colouring defects that I noticed and I like the font much more than Keycool's. The legends are fully etched and more grey than black (not sure if photos show it).
The only thing I have an issue with is the inconsistent font size everywhere, the most obvious is the home row (specifically, [insert home pgup] is small, same size as [prtsc scroll lock pause numlock]. these are smaller than [delete end pgdn], which are the same size as the other large keys [backspace enter shift control]).
Now onto the non-letter keys. Oddly, [capslock control and alt] are not bold, while [tab shift backspace enter fn] are. Also [page up] = PgUP and [page down] = PgDn which looks a little inconsistent. On the numpad, [Ins and Enter] are the same font size, but [Del] is about 2 points smaller. tl;dr, colours are great, offer sacrifices to the keycap gods if you use costar, and don't look too closely at your board when you type. Would still buy again at this price point and delivery price though.
Oct 27, 2015
IKEAdragonHow much material did you have to remove/sand would you say? It doesn't look like too much in the picture you posted.
Oct 27, 2015
IKEAdragonBeautiful keyboard + keycaps, despite font size difference. The front-print makes them look even better. Enjoy!
Just one more thing: how's the texture/sandiness on these puppies?
Oct 29, 2015
Dr_DDLess than half an mm I believe; just shaved off a bit at the edge. It also depends on how much clearance you want to give the stabilisers too..I was lazy and I just sanded mine with a nail file :|
Oct 29, 2015
AdrienI am still waiting on a keyboard to put them on, or I'd help you out.
Oct 30, 2015
AdrienThanks haha. Yeah well, I've just tried to no avail to get a close up of the texture of my keycaps. It feels really good, comparable to vortex's PBTs; it's definitely more on the textured side than the smooth side yep, hope it helps! Glad you're a participant of this drop too haha
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