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SMSL Sanskrit 10th SK10 DAC

SMSL Sanskrit 10th SK10 DAC

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Product Description
The newest DAC in SMSL’s highly regarded series, the 10th-anniversary Sanskrit SK10 combines high performance and a simple, modern look. The CNC-machined aluminum alloy housing comes in two bold colors and can sit vertically or horizontally in three rotations—however you set it up, the display will automatically reorient itself Read More

Oct 10, 2020
Hi guys, I've just plugged this into my pc and it works great! Sounds is comparable to my MUSILAND dac. This one has an external power input. USB in. COAX out. EZ PZ. The display shows 48, how can I get it to a higher bitrate? Thanks!
Jul 2, 2019
After reading thru the comments, I would like to add that I own the Red edition, which looks much better in your hand than the pictures portray. I am on Win7/64 and I had no problem with the XMOS drivers. They were easily downloaded from the SMSL website and installed perfectly on try 1. Once installed, you get a nice little window on your PC (or tablet with OTG) that shows connection info and sample rate. Pretty sweet, the best part is having a remote which controls vol and switches inputs(3). I use the optical input with my CCA which improves digital streams quite considerably. The sound, right away was impressive and I am glad I picked it up, as it's quite portable. It has aux power thru USB with any 5V 1 amp charger. Definately is an "11/10" for my purposes. Topping 10 sounds comparable to me, but it only has PC input. Sanskrit 10th is a great choice if you need S/PDIF inputs, the other input is coaxial and I have used it with my HDTV digital outputs and it improves the sound from there too. So guess I'll get a blue one next. (Initially thought I might be screwed if the remote was lost or terminated, but it's the same remote SMSL uses on several products and can easily be found new on Ebay for under $10.
Mar 15, 2019
has anyone used this with an Nvidia shield?
Jan 31, 2019
Fired mine up today. not seen by my PC. display shows 510 then - - -. i know everything else is ok as my cheap alibaba DAC is detected perfectly as it is my pupDAC.
Dec 23, 2018
Candy apple red. I'd rather go for a topping d10 with the black box and red display.
Dec 23, 2018
Isn't it better to get Topping D10 at similar price. With d10 you can swap out the opamp for something like burson V5i. How does this perform against d10
Dec 25, 2018
GurbakhshishI had D10 and I returned it(I bought it on Amazon) DSD would work normal and then after few days it wouldn't play (loud static noise instead of music) then I needed to reinstall drivers - DSD would start to work again and then after some time it would brake down again. Tried everything, firmware update, different usb port, different PC. Drivers are just a piece of junk.
Dec 25, 2018
kombajnFortunately i didn't have the same problem. The drivers for most of these are pretty much same the driver that they re-skinned. The one on left side is for Topping and the one on right side is for SMSL

Dec 23, 2018
Can you play an SACD THROUGH it??? I have a lower priced Peachtree DAC and it will not play SACD's thru it. I have to disconnect it to play an SACD. Thanks!!
Dec 6, 2018
Mine just showed up... remote doesn't work at all. Device works fine though. Or maybe it's the receiver on the device. I don't know. But audio works, remote doesn't. I bought it for the remote. Otherwise, could have gone Modi 3.
Dec 16, 2018
SqueeI assume you figured this out by now. But for others whose remote does not work. Their are 3 silly buttons labeled "A" "B" "C" on the remote. You must hit "C" the first time to make the remote work (the others change the codes to control other unnamed devices). If at some point you hit A or B by must hit C again to make it work.
Nov 20, 2022
GrochYou saved my day..thank you!!!
Dec 4, 2018
Mine has a distinct buzzing after 80% volume ... Moving on to something cleaner
Dec 5, 2018
I got a topping D50 instead and have 0 issues.... Probably the most transparent DAC i've heard
Dec 6, 2018
nidus123My Nad D1050 uses similar internals to the topping. I agree it is great.
Dec 1, 2018
I am having issues with the drivers on this dac i changed from the sanskrit 6th and had no probs can anyone please help thanks
Dec 22, 2018
thanks for your help also wish me luck with my new dac i just ordered the smsl m9
May 16, 2019
amerintexIs the 10th edition an upgrade from the 6th edition? I have the 6th edition now. But I don't want to spend another $100 if it sounds about the same.
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