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Dec 31, 2016
Not meaning to start anything erase, but why did you feel the need to say that you were creating a painting for a 4 time Grammy winning artist?
My comments on the drop are that one probably shouldn't be that concerned about a refurbished Wacom product. I actually wished they'd include the option for professionally refurbished versions of all of their tablets. Generally, refurbished versions have the "bugs" ironed out that early adopters have to contend with, such as cables that don't seat properly etc. This is an excellent product but it's likely going to drop below the $649 once the Pro 13 and 16 become more widely accepted. If you want one new, you could probably afford to wait and still get this price point; and maybe even the touch version.
Dec 31, 2016
toxicopoulusA flaw in a product might not be relevant to somebody who is using said product for a hobby, or even professionally. When you are painting for somebody who has made most of your favorite songs however, the finest details can be life changing. It was while working on something so important to me that this product showed its weakness, i feel it its very valid to mention why.
The question I am left with is why does who i work for make you feel some type of way?
Dec 31, 2016
toxicopoulusIf you read through that entire thread others mentioned their journeys as students and their careers just the same, my story is also relevant and if the accomplishments of others provoke reaction in you as a creative, you should probably take my advice and reassess why you are an artist.
Jan 1, 2017
eraseI just thought it was an unnecessary disclosure. Your reasons for preferring another solution were solid enough without an appeal to authority. No biggie.
Jan 1, 2017
toxicopoulusWhen individuals do not understand your perspective on a subject you are extremely knowledgeable about, i find it is healthy for their progression as a human being to teach them that until they are standing in your shoes they wont ever understand.Creating paintings for superstars is no small feat but it is nothing to boast about either, a masterpiece is no more valuable than a stick man drawn by a child.I am a busy individual and if my efforts to help teach a student for example are not fruitful, i let my resume speak for me.
Jan 1, 2017
toxicopoulusI do not need to appeal for authority in the world of art, I did not get where I am asking for permission of others.
Jan 1, 2017
eraseI said no biggie. You need validation; I think we all got the message.
Jan 1, 2017
toxicopoulusI need your approval? What have you done in this life that makes you think i give 2 fucks about your approval on anything?
Jan 1, 2017
toxicopoulus You wouldn't have even started this convo if you weren't butthurt over something regarding your career. Im supposed to care that you found my conversation with somebody else who I am trying to inspire to take their hobby further as an " unnecessary disclosure. " You opening your mouth was unnecessary and fuck your approval.
Jan 1, 2017
toxicopoulus"im not trying to start something....but" Go start something, and actually finish it you might succeed in life beyond being jealous of random strangers you don't know online.
Jan 1, 2017
eraseDude. Lighten up. I'm truly happy for your success.